Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

Iam out of it…iam healthy…But,never careful people.for most is it ok,no big problem…For some is it deadly…Uf,Iam glad,that next three months i should be safe….

Hum, honestly, this is not an invisible enemy. People can look to the common graves digged in NYC (USA), Manaus (Brazil) and eventually in other places where there was no possiblity to put people in cemeteries. Or, empty rooms with a coffin because the family couldn’t go there and bury their own familiar… Sad :frowning:

Also, it is not invisible because everyday there are news showing hospital staff overwhelmed, with bruises in the face, queues of ambulances outside hospitals to bring more people into ICU.

Last but not least, the people that are loosing jobs, closing businesses, the increase of homeless people…

This is only invisible for those that don’t want to see what this virus is causing! So, for me, it is well visible!

Masks here were supposed to be used in “public” spaces. BUT the last days I see more and more people without it. Specially older people, but also middle aged and young…

Here, 14 days are for people that have been in contact with infected people and will not make a test. But many people, the smarta$$es, don’t do it… Gatherings here, outdoor, is less frequent. So what people decided to do was to make indoor parties with hundreds without protection or distancing… :rage:

Now I believe there are some restrictions from people flying from above, still, there is very few verification of their testing or absence of testing…

Honestly, everything is pretty messed up, we have to take care and avoid the potential infecting situations. Some people will not be able to do that, some will not care about that… and in 2022 we’ll still be in this mess…

No clue on this :zipper_mouth_face:

Glad that you feel better vresto! :+1:

Makes me sad and angry

Dr. Drosten from Germany said C19 will probably stay, won’t go away. It will be still a thing next year (2022) . In 10 years newborns must get an infect or vaccine to be save.

Here is the Coronavirus Update Podcast #70 with Christian Drosten as text in German. From 2021-01-05 Google translate is your friend.

Answer: there is no clear evidence answering this question yet. It was not tested during the vaccine trials. Some preliminary evidence produced by Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca claims to show the vaccine might somewhat reduce the probability of a vaccinated person spreading the disease, but they don’t yet know for sure.

The bottom line: vaccinated people still need to do the responsible thing - wear a mask and practice safe distancing around other people. If you are exposed to someone who might be infected, you still need to quarantine yourself.

Mother Nature may have another surprise coming:

About the new variant of the virus, the UK variant,

Looks like we need to have another shutdown, a really long and thorough one, so we can Build Back Better. :wink: How else can we reduce CO2 enough to save the planet? :open_mouth:

Yeah, it’s the shared-brain principle. One brain, divvied up between all the participants, IQ similarly watered down.

Like a bunch of years ago, all of a sudden everyone had “gravitas”. No one ever heard that term before, but then flick a switch, and everyone and his grandmother had “gravitas”. Hell, I got “gravitas”…

Does it hurt when you walk?

Nah, only when I wheeze.

I take it you’ve come to accept the conspiracy you faced at the hospital and are looking for new material, huh? Conspiracy around every corner for some folks.

Hi everyone, please be more careful to completely avoid the political side of the coronavirus discussion. Mentioning the name of any political leader or any specific country in an overtly positive or negative light, or veiled references to what you consider to be hidden motives or secret agendas of the authorities is bound to start a fight, so just don’t do it please. Any recent posts to this effect should be deleted by the poster. Thanks in advance.

Yeah it is worrying, at first it was the S.African variant that came into the UK (77 confirmed cases) that was spreading, but recently they found some that had mutated in the UK from the original strain very similar to the S.African one. I can’t find the article, but it was on the news. It seems to be much more easily spread, and although not conclusively proved, more deadly.

Side effects of shutting things down. One school district with 18 suicides since last March which is double their previous rate. Imagine that multiplied across the country. And that's just one side effect.

So… a side effect of shutting things down since March. Surely not a a side effect of a raging pandemic that’s killed over 400,000, huh?

Wellp, in the bright(?) side, they can all be counted as corovirus-related deaths… <snark/>

Well, Ok. I guess there is that. I stand corrected.


Beer thirty.