Led4power.com : LD-4 CC linear drivers, ILC-0/1 illuminated tailcaps, optics, MOSX, copper DTP MCPCBs...

Does that LD-B4 has bleeder installed? Check driver with normal clicky switch to see if it works ok.

Yes, but I cannot get the exact date, I expect to have clearance sale in about 10-15days.

Yes, I tried that. Still same problem

Does LD-B4 have bleeder installed (original)?

I’ll need to desolder the wiring to double check what’s on the board but i assume it’s all stock standard as I didn’t do anything to it myself

Bleeder is optional during ordering process, so maybe you have driver without bleeder.

Shouldn’t I get normal operation with a regular switch then? It’s still single mode with a regular switch

Could you measure current, is that single mode 100% or other? Did you maybe enable single mode in config. menu?

Can driver enter into config. mode after 10+ clicks?

If not, it seems like some some off-time memory components are damaged and driver can't switch to next mode.

With regular switch i cannot enter config menu. I tried to measure the current and got a max reading of about 4 amps.

In that case it seems some of off-time memory components are damaged (3 o'clock, capacitor,resistor,diode).

Doh! Must be my shitty soldering skills… again :person_facepalming:

Worth checking that there’s no solder linking the via for the negative LED cable with the outer ring.
(Also, not sure what would happen if the positive via is connected to the centre spring pad. )

I hope you are doing well with the earthquake and all. Any update on when the shop might open? Thanks.

I hope within 10 days.

Thank you for the update. All the best to you and yours.

Neven, I hope you are well!
I’ve been thinking about one thing regarding your drivers. I am not sure if it would be feasible or even desirable, but I’d like to ask your perspective about it.

Looking to the Mode Groups your drivers have, would it be - again - feasible or desirable to add 1 or 2 more options, in which the max wasn’t 100% ?

- adding an option for 50%

  • adding an option for - let’s say - 5% - 50% (or some more “logic” percentage, in terms of programming or visual perception of light, etc.)

As example, the option 3 of the menu is *9% - 100*. But knowing that the 100 can also be achieved (in any option) through double or triple clicks (if configured that way), it could be nice to have something intermediate so that we could run the lights without being on max (550% or 5% 60 …I’m not the best for percentages I confess).

The other options would stay the same of course, it would be just adding some more possibilities of mode groups.

Don’t know what you think of this, but I’d be glad to learn about it! :+1:
Thanks in advance!

Picking modes will not be a problem with next driver(s) iteration.

Thank you for your reply and that is nice to know :wink:
Will be looking for them :+1: :beer:

Awesome! Thx Neven

:+1: Having more control over the precise current of your modes is good, makes the light more versatile. FWs nowadays like Anduril are very customizable, but it’s not really possible to precisely customize modes in the UI. For example, if I want a 3A mode and a 1.5A mode you can sort of trick Anduril into giving you that, but that’s not really in its functionality. That’s why I really like convoy’s configurable linear driver. I hope your drivers have some of this unique functionality and work with eswitch.