✌ FREEME- ASTROLUX MF01 Mini 7*SST20 CRI95 26650 ANDÚRIL Flashlight Group Buy - $45.99

Thank you for your support!


Oh sorry, I didn’t realize this was the group buy thread. I’ll remove that post Freeme.

Product discussion is fine.

Can i have code please

Freem: Bought one using your code. Thanks.

Can I have a code please Freeme

could i also have code please.

I’m running late, but I’m also interested in a code

Purchased. Thanks Freeme!

Freeme- do you know if they will ever have a xpl-hi 5000k version available again?

Interested in the 4000k high CRI version

May I have the code please

Can I get a code please? I’m interested in buying one.

freeme- do you know if they will ever (re)release the Astrolux mf01 mini with xpl-hi 5000k? Thanks!

This flashiest is awesome. Love it. I cam see getting more.

Not sure if this is still active, but I’d love a code for a 4000k high cri if possible.

Will ask for a new one for you. [quote=BugOutBob] Not sure if this is still active, but I'd love a code for a 4000k high cri if possible. [/quote]

may I have a code for 4000K please, TIA!

I used your code, thanks!