What lights do I need in my collection?

I have never used Ali Express but have used Fasttech and they have this:

If you go for a Convoy S2 UV, get this one. I have a few other Nichia UV S2 and this one is more powerful and comes with a ZWB2 filter.

As to what it can be used for… i’d say you’ll find out once you have one. Lots of unexpected things in fact. For instance it lets you spot a lot of stains you can’t see in you’re house - kitchen and bathroom especially. It can be pretty scary actually. Some minerals and woods do fluoresce and shine under UV light. Of course you can check bank notes to see how sophisticated they can be. It is not a light you use much often but it’s good to have one.

There is a very significant oversight here. If you find a good light, like the D4 or D4S, don’t you want more than one? If I love a light, I try and get it in every color. Recently, I have been loving the PD32 v2. Incredible light at $48 with discount.


Ok, I’ve ordered The Convoy with the installed filter to check if the lady I pay to clean my house is worth the money…… :slight_smile: (wonder what she would be thinking if I’d start following her around with the light?)

It’s definitely something new for me so a worthy new addition to my collection.

Btw: over here where I live, it must be about the absolute opposite to a dessert, very few scorpions over here but maybe I can find funny glowing thingies in the water?

I’d love to sell off all my lights and buy replacements.
However my budget is very small. I can afford 1-3 new lights at most.

I actually regret selling the Convoy M1s, in order to buy one replacement costs more than i sold both for.

show pics i want see scorpions :smiley:

I used to use a UV light and injectible UV dye to find very small leaks in air conditioning systems. It was very expensive then, but would find leaks nothing else would. I think they use similar methods for other fluid leaks. It can also identify a murder scene with luminol spray.

Interesting on the AC use.
The problem with the second one is that i have no murder scenes or luminol :smiley:

Here's three photos I took in April 2015.

I took some more last year of a different scorpion, but didn't think of getting UV pics.

Being out of the game for a while what companies sell good lights these days?

The ones i know of are
Intl Outdoor

Where else should i be looking at lights (i’m avoiding Aliexpress and ebay).

Banggood is decent, though not as good as they used to be.

Gearbest is somewhat okay, but if you can find the same flashlight somewhere else, you probably should get it elsewhere.

I know you said you were avoiding AliExpress, but there are some excellent sellers like Sofirn's store and Convoy's store.

If you can find a deal on Canadian Amazon, that's pretty convenient.

you need the new Emisar DT8. everyone needs to try this light! it may look.. wierd. but it looks way better in person, and its performance is Wild! and you can get emitters from nichia e21a 2000k all the way to osram CULPM1 and "everything" in between.

Astrolux (on Banggood) !

Convoy (On Banggood, if you dont want to go ALix)

FireFlies (https://www.ff-light.com/)

Sofirn (on amazon)

Lumintop (on nealsgadgets.com, i have had very good experiences with NG).

Thanks, Amazon prices are not very good, ordering from China is much cheaper than buying from Amazon.

Interesting light but it eats my entire light budget.

Right now i am looking for a UV light and a Olight S2 replacement.
A 26650 light if more of my lights sell would be nice as well.

A nice UV option would be the Wurkkos WK30, it has a nice 365um emitter, a very nice 5000K white emitter (samsung LH351D) and a powerful red emitter all in 1 package so it satisfies the need for UV and red.
I recently reviewed it here, I wasn’t sure about it at first, but now I love it.Wurkkos WK30 "on the job" review

What an interesting light, and checks off several boxes.
Its near the top of my list now :slight_smile:

So i’m looking at getting these lights:

Wurkkos WK30

And one of these, undecided which:

Wurkkos FC11
Sofrin SC31 Pro