Side-switch flashlights


Not very but thats part of the potential dropping problem.
Concrete is very rough :cry:


Ok tell us how ya hold your Depends?

I hold em’ between my index finger and thumb farthest away from the soggy parts. Arm fully extended.


I successfully threw you off the scent from my metal bending superman strength grip :stuck_out_tongue:

Side switch under my thumb, lens pointing forward away from me

“Side switch under my thumb, lens pointing forward away from me.”

Appreciated how to. I was wonderin’ why my side switches were illuminating only my a*s.

Ya really learn somethings here that ya could never learn on your own.

Thank you. I built it

The tail switch is a much better choice. I know this wasn’t your question but reconsider your objectives. The gas petal is always to the right of the brake for a reason.

For side switch… usually fingers down, thumb up to operate switch, & light pointed away from me.

Is their any other way??? :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

For the FW3A, other tube lights, & C8 size lights with a tail switch I use a “Cigar Grip” to activate & toggle switch. Then many times I will transition to the grip mentioned above.

Side switch lights like purse! Real light have a tail switch, so you can hold it like a man.

I can’t impossibly hold it with just two fingers.

Reverse (icepick) grip all day, unless the light is uber-tiny like the Olight S1. Then I pinch-grip it.

Handshake grip with thumb on the button. Lens at the front.

I hold mine sideways, gangstah style.

It looks so cool…

Dangit, beat by Lightbringer.

I was going to say I hope it like a Glock with sights on the side of the slide. Not enough “O’s” in coool…

Wolf spider eyes. Showed that to a neighbor one night while we were shooting the breeze. He walked on the pavement going back home!

thumb on the side switch///

(not “COP CARRY”)

’’[[why do they do that?]]”

does that mean that Cops can’t really use side switch lights?

i find it easier to point and direct the light quickly and to more directions, in NonCopCarry


Don’t think I agree with this.

Shadows can make it a lot easier to spot obstacles in your path.

yes i agree, shadows can add detail

i will sometimes move the light around just to get differing shadows

no-shadows is one look, but shadows-from-different-angles, adds a lot of visual info