Side-switch flashlights

Not very but thats part of the potential dropping problem.
Concrete is very rough :cry:


Ok tell us how ya hold your Depends?

I hold em’ between my index finger and thumb farthest away from the soggy parts. Arm fully extended.


I successfully threw you off the scent from my metal bending superman strength grip :stuck_out_tongue:

Side switch under my thumb, lens pointing forward away from me

“Side switch under my thumb, lens pointing forward away from me.”

Appreciated how to. I was wonderin’ why my side switches were illuminating only my a*s.

Ya really learn somethings here that ya could never learn on your own.

Thank you. I built it

The tail switch is a much better choice. I know this wasn’t your question but reconsider your objectives. The gas petal is always to the right of the brake for a reason.

For side switch… usually fingers down, thumb up to operate switch, & light pointed away from me.

Is their any other way??? :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

For the FW3A, other tube lights, & C8 size lights with a tail switch I use a “Cigar Grip” to activate & toggle switch. Then many times I will transition to the grip mentioned above.

Side switch lights like purse! Real light have a tail switch, so you can hold it like a man.

I can’t impossibly hold it with just two fingers.

Reverse (icepick) grip all day, unless the light is uber-tiny like the Olight S1. Then I pinch-grip it.

Handshake grip with thumb on the button. Lens at the front.

I hold mine sideways, gangstah style.

It looks so cool…

Dangit, beat by Lightbringer.

I was going to say I hope it like a Glock with sights on the side of the slide. Not enough “O’s” in coool…

Wolf spider eyes. Showed that to a neighbor one night while we were shooting the breeze. He walked on the pavement going back home!

thumb on the side switch///

(not “COP CARRY”)

’’[[why do they do that?]]”

does that mean that Cops can’t really use side switch lights?

i find it easier to point and direct the light quickly and to more directions, in NonCopCarry


Don’t think I agree with this.

Shadows can make it a lot easier to spot obstacles in your path.

yes i agree, shadows can add detail

i will sometimes move the light around just to get differing shadows

no-shadows is one look, but shadows-from-different-angles, adds a lot of visual info

C’mon. Side switch flashes aren’ t forced to be pinky operated held microphone head high like the pic.

If the switch is rotated to the upside down position the thumb directly underneath easily operates it. The other fingers rest on top providing directional and grip pressure working with the thumb. And if there were a rear switch too the index finger could operate it as well as for example, a Zanflare F1 with again the thumb operating the side switch from underneath. A bit awkward but doable depending on overall flash length, index finger length, hand spread width, etc.

*IDK how ya ergonomically came to this pinky finger restriction. Also the thumb being much stronger than a pinky and an opposing (primate advantage) digit makes it relevant of how a cop would deal with it. They don’t hold anything defensive/offensive in nature that’s inherently in a weak position. Without the thumb in play it’s flat-out in a weak position.

*(Unless I’ve missed something obvious in this thread that explains this pinky forced restriction.)