Image Boss! (no politics, no sexy pics) Have fun. ❤️

Here's my third (and final) portable music player.

It's an mp3 player called a SanDisk Sansa Clip Zip.

It worked great for several years, but the internal battery died, so now it has to be plugged to a type of USB cord to work, so it's not that portable anymore.

This is probably the kind of thing I had hoped to have myself. Never did though.

Take it away Lightbringer!

Whoa, now I gotta think up something…

Wellp, howbow creepy underground scenes. Bunkers, sewers, tunnels, etc., and the creepier the better.

Paris catacombs

200 miles of skeletons on the walls…

I think I played that pwad in D00m…

Abandoned underground airbase "Željava" codnename "Object 505" in Croatia.

Dayum, I can feel myself being watched even over here…

Basement of hospital in Pripyat where Chernobyl firefighter’s uniforms were dumped…

The Story Behind This Tennessee Tunnel Is Beyond Creepy

The Sensabaugh Tunnel has legends behind it that will chill your soul, creeping into your dreams and tempting that wicked, curious part of you to take a drive through it – yourself. If you’ve spent a bit of time in East Tennessee, you most likely have heard SOME version of the legend or another. Whether it was a murder or an untimely, unprecedented death, this Kingston Springs ghostly haunting ground is almost more than we can bear.

Okay, I’ll call it.

It was a tie between RC’s and RC’s. So I’ll have to give it to RC. :laughing:

The Skullduggery was kewl, except for the goofball yakking on his cellphone. Kinda kills the mood…

The tunnel is something I’d loooooove to explore, too.

Anyhoo, I always wanted a nearby creeparium to explore.


I'd like to see interesting snakes.

Bonus points if it's a snake that I've never heard of.

I know it's tempting, but please do not post pics of any politicians.

I think he’s interesting.

I never saw those movies all the way through, but nice choice!


Reminds me of this snake...

I’ve seen it so many times I practically memorised the dialogue.

Snake eyes - from GI Joe who apparently has his own movie now

Very interesting game.

Don’t know enough about snakes to know if this one came from someone’s Photoshop portfolio, but it looked cool:

Although I like the image of Snake Eyes, I gotta choose this Photoshopped snake.

It's the only picture of a serpent, and I don't mind that the photo's been doctored.

I also think I have never seen this pic before, so the new Image Boss is...


Hmmmk …. so how about “Wish you were here” type of postcard picture of your favorite vacation spot?

Loved visiting Malta growing up….

(the natural arch ‘The Azure Window’ before it collapsed due to erosion)

Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park. I took this photo about 10 years ago.