Wurkkos FC12S (side switch version from FC12) what do you think?

Agreed on the nice hd20 green, and wurkkos blues, but HOT green and hot orange, and hot blue, yes. If those are also GLOW, just take my credit card.

how do you think these two colors ?


I like it.

These two are almost similar. Why not have one in bright Orange?

Are taxes for europe included on your website?

Agreed, or hot pink. So hard to lose.

I like it

Nice colours !!

Both colors look nice, but I prefer the darker green.

I will buy one of each. I have a thing for green lights, but not green LEDs :smiley:

Purple it is, but really would like green

The champagne looks similar to a redux of Sofirn’s old “pale gold.” It’s a nice color. All of them look good; anything but Boring Black.

But if we’re talking aesthetics, trying to apply the Hot warning symbol atop the grooves looks janky, and I’m not fond of the polarity marking, which will offend those with OCD sensibilities when it inevitably doesn’t align nicely with the rest like in the pretty promo pictures.

Final item on the wish list would be a new version of the FC11 with a regulated driver. Oh so close to ticking all the boxes, except that one.

Seemed to good to miss, so I went for an impulse purchase. After registering, discount code EU87JU0G worked fine.

Boring black. The purple offering looked like something a lonely lady might use :wink:

The purple will stand out in my tool bag. Black colored lights in a tool bag are like camouflage.

Dark green?

yes, go ahead for purple :crown:

Ahh, been some debate over color tones, specially green. I'm not fond of the darker greens. I want a color, as mentioned earlier, that stands out, makes the flashlight more visible, not less. I got some green lights, Sofirn included, that in many circumstances you can't tell it apart from black - not good.

I sold one but still have a “spare” still in its box, an XTAR AA light in Barbie pink.

Beautiful satin finish that it looks as if it’s made of grandma-candy.

Doubt any Manly Man would steal it (which is why I got it :laughing: ), but a sneaky gril might.

It definitely stood out, though!

This is too dark green:

This is a sample of green varieties in the Astrolux brand alone:

Out of those, I think I prefer the EC03. The EA02 is more like olive green, thought not bad, it's more like an army green with the dull finish.