$5 Thrunite Ti

I think that would be a tough sell considering that there is no logic to a "pair" and the deal has now gotten more expensive due to people trying to break the rules by ordering more than one.

what a shame

Too good a deal to last. It was on slickdeals and I'm sure other deal alert forums, so it was going to be a big seller even without cheaters. I think the idea was to introduce their website and Facebook page, so they certainly accomplished that.

I ordered one and my wife ordered one for her purse is that a double up? I hope not, sorry if it is she has been wanting something small for her purse.

Glad I haven't made it. David is right. He tried to introduce his web, and "we" tried to cheat and buy as many units as we can.

4059 Units in Stock, ATM.

UPDATE: for those BLFers who couldn't buy one, sure we can arrange it if we speak with David directly.

I am still interested into buy one at 5$. Please keep informed us if there is any news if you contact him

I don't understand trying to cheat a good deal. Even regular price isn't bad for this light. I bought two - one at $5 and the other at full price. With free shipping, it's still a deal at $10.50 apiece and Thrunite-Sales doesn't get shafted in the process.

The greedy buyers always ruin things by abusing the system.

I'm just glad I was able to get in on this one right from the beginning.

yeah i'm glad I pulled the trigger..for the cost of a subway footlong you can't go wrong..

About 3 years ago I had a lady from Chicago tell me that it was natural for people to take when it was their turn at power. She was right about herself and her friends so apparently there is a whole other culture I never knew before.

My ex-wife used to work at REI headquarters. They had a table filled with items they couldn't sell any longer but they were new. Employees could take something if they could use it.

Most people took one or two (or no) items but there was one lady who always took way more than her "share" and mentioned to others that she didn't have a need for any of that stuff but since it was free she couldn't pass it by.

Some people who could have used some items didn't get the chance because the table was always empty after she got through.

If the Thrunite rules were one per customer but if the software still allowed you to buy more anyway there would be some who would order $1,000 worth and then set-up shop on ebay with the excuse that if Thrunite is stupid enough to allow it they would do it.

It's greed pure and simple. There are a lot greedy people in the world.

Yup, 100% true. It's sad, but Thrunite should have prevented it at their end and allowed only one order per shipping address. You give greedy folks a loop hole and they WILL exploit it.

I would be hiiiiiiiiiiiighly interested in a black one for 5$

couldn't agree more and I mailed this to them. They have to have control from their end. Many companies offer these incredible deals and have NO IDEA what kind of response it will bring. We know! A .99 cent store opening offering a free t.v. will have a line around the block on opening day. Whatever.

I got one, didn’t think to order more. I only needed/wanted one. Thanks for the deal alert.

I missed it. :( Wasn't really looking for another AAA light but at $5 it would have been rude not to..

any news so far?

If I didn't get in on the first deal, I'd still get it for 10.99. Don't miss out on a good deal just because you missed a better one or you'll regret it.

is there any way to specify the type? 0,04 or 3 lumen? I can't seem to specify this when trying to order.

I thought the light was 0,04-60 but it is 0,04 and 60. So the 0,04 version would be cool as gimmick but not really useful.