Grizzly’s Updated Convoy 4X18A SBT Review – Still Incredible, but not quite as much as I thought

Initially I thought the UI shortcomings wouldn’t bother me, that I would USE all the sustained output and runtime, and that it had thermal management. I turned out to be wrong in all of those areas.

Does this change your overall opinion of the light? Sounds like something like the K1 better meets your uses. I have a 4x18A, but as a toy, and I’m not sure what the “practical” uses most people have for theses super throwers. I’ve always wondered about that actually, I suspect most people here are in it for the giggles (myself included).

Thanks for the review.

I guess I should have looked at the dimensions of the head and a size a reflector but I didn’t.

I’m still surprised it doesn’t have more output.My K1 which was slightly Modified by Tom E.with bypasses.Turn On is 5805L/ 528Kcd-1453 meters, using P42A.
128Kcd more throw.
That is 1800 more lumens and 128Kcd more throw.

Are spring bypasses the only modifications he made? The K1 I have for testing right now is a little older but I’m “only” getting 4100 lumens from it.

Yes, also running on Anduril 2… not sure if that makes any difference in output. I kind of doubt it. You get 10 people to measure it and you’re going to have 10 different measurements. But he’s pretty good equipment I think he uses that Mauka light meter set up.

Just shows how much Flashaholic’s measurements are off. I measured 4100 lumens at 30 sec on the 4X18A and he gets 4920.

I don’t think that’s even possible on an 18A driver.

I measured 4800 at 30 sec on the Astrolux MF02S SBT and that was running at 35A.

How does it compare to the Convoy L7?

You are wrong about the lack of thermal regulation though.

Yes, there’s a 60 sec timed stepdown, but once it exceeds 60°C it steps down straight away upon reactivation. If you apply a fan and it drops below 60°C it starts increasing in output. The issue is that it won’t reduce the output and stabilize at something it can manage

1lumen reviewed that model

There is a basic comparison with L7 in the comparison section.

Do you have runtime graphs that I can reference in my review? I’m basing the thermal regulation statement off of my observations at 1Lumen’s 3X21A review right now, since it has the exact same driver and the thermal characteristics of the two hosts should be virtually identical. That review does not show and increase in brightness once the light is cooled down below 60C.

I have both the 4x18 and the 3x21 and the 3x21 is better IMHO.


Better ergonomics and better combination of spill and throw, they are both equally important.

What are you talking about? They’re exactly the same size & shape except for a 5mm longer tube on 3X21A.

The beams are totally identical as well, unless you’re talking about one of the triple versions of 3X21A.

Yes the triple. Completely different beam pattern.

The knurling on the light is completely different as well.

That would entirely come down to one’s own preference as to what’s better. I sell these to my customers for hunting and the last thing you want to do is throw down range a too wide beam.

Better for you, but not necessarily everyone else :slight_smile:

Griz - I’ll show you a graph a bit later, right now I’m running tests for my EC06 review. This EC06 is only handling 730 lumens with a temp limit of 50°C and room at 23°C. That’s not very impressive

Awesome! Looking forward to seeing that graph. Maybe one of these days I’ll buy some kind of logging thermometer, haha.

That sounds very similar to my results with Sofirn Q8 Pro. I need to update my graphs because I’ve gotten a lumen tube since, but I’m seeing almost exactly the same sustained output with a 45C thermal limit and 21C ambient temperature.

Appreciate you taking the time and pointing that out.