Which Convoy group do you use most? (12 groups)

I use #4 but I dont want sos and strobe, my ideal would be (1, 0.1, 20, 100, battery check) i think. so I have been looking into modding the firmware.

Me I’m on 2 for my warm 219Bs and SST20s in S2+ (for the moonlight) and 10 for my new S21A B35AM with memory mode on for all.

I’m new to Convoys, got into them for the easy access to warmer emitter choices for little cash (and wish I’d started with Convoys) and see it as my gateway to modding.

Anduril is cool, genius, and it distracted me for a while and I dipped into Lumintop and Hank’s offerings, but as I’ve gotten more into the hobby I’ve come to appreciate different UIs, including Convoy (Zebralight is pretty good too)

You folk here have known the ‘Convoy value proposition’ for years. I’ve ended up with Biscotti, Convoy’s own 12-mode version and even the old 3/5 mode. It works well, what else do you need? …ok long hold for moonlight from off and er, ok double click for max output, but other than that…

The code is open to encourage this sort of thing. :beer:

The Convoy biscotti drivers can be a little difficult to flash though, because one of the unused pins is grounded and must be cut from ground before flashing. If I recall correctly, it’s pin 5. And it also has some components so close to the MCU that the chip clip might not be able to grab on properly. :person_facepalming:

The default mode groups are mostly just what Convoy thought would cover most people’s needs best, given a limit of 8 or fewer modes per group and 12 or fewer groups (due to rom size limitations).

However, Biscotti was only ever created as a way to fit as much of Bistro as possible onto a nanjg-style driver (1 channel w/ attiny13a chip). If you have the option, Bistro is usually a better idea since it’s much more configurable and gives quicker access to more functions. But it requires a somewhat fancier driver.

Or, for an attiny13 driver, you could also go with different firmware entirely, tweaked more to your personal preferences instead of using a general-purpose one like Biscotti. Removing the config options frees up enough space to add a bunch of other features.

On flooders I use group 2 (0.1, 1, 10, 35, 100), on throwers I use group 3 (100, 35, 10, 1, 0.1). Also, I turn memory off.

Bistro is one of my favorite firmwares ToyKeeper! Thank you for developing it. Wish I could have it on all my Biscotti flashlights. I miss not having the medium press with Biscotti.

This is the first time I heard about the Convoy “S7” model… had to Google this model and found some “discontinued” listing. Looks like stainless steel body.

“S7” firmware = is this for ATTiny13 chips (eg. can flash over a driver that originally comes with the ‘original’ Biscotti driver?)


Back to the original poll, I usually just make do with Group 1 (preferably mode memory Off), the original Biscotti comes with Mode Memory = Off, whereas the Convoy “new” 12-group driver, comes with Mode Memory = ON by default. And usually the first mode after inserting the battery (from shipping), is Tactical Strobe mode.

(On original Biscotti, with default mode memory Off, the first mode with the flashlight from shipping condition is Moon).

When I show Biscotti / 12-group flashlight to someone, usually if that person is into security-related tasks, they seem to prefer Group 11, which has only 3 modes = High-Low-Strobe.)

Mode 1 with memory on. If only the strobe was constant frequency!

I have only used the old 3.04A nanjg style drivers but would probaby still just prefer a 2 mode - maybe 15% and 100% with mode memory (so 11 is closest to my preference, except for the strobe).

I would also love to know how to create custom firmware for some of my lights but I know it needs equipment and time so it’s still on the “To Do” list for now.

Group 10

Mode Memory = OFF

I'd be interested in some different choices. If they could figure out a way to make the modes totally customizable, that would be amazing. Even if none of that happens, I still prefer this to electronic switches by factor of (insert absurdly large number). I don't want to ramp. I don't want a switch that glows. I just want to tap through a few pre-selected choices that always start the same way.

1 Thank

guess I’m the awkward one who use group 11 no mode daily

Group 5 with memory off, 20% is often plenty enough with better endurance than 35% on most of my lights. Moonlight (0.1%) would be nice to add to this though.

Also mode memory off. Seems like most people prefer it off?

Apparently, but having the option is by far the best of both worlds. If there was no mode memory offered, I’d take my business to another brand.

Group = 10
Mode memory = ON

I miss a 60 % setting. Why? When I use my M21B as a bike headlamp to support my Lumintop B01 bike headlamp, the M21B stays quite cool when it’s winter, so it will not throttle down it’s output but run on nearly full power instead. Sometimes, 35 % seems too low but 100 % is way too much in terms of energy consumption. The around 60 % level that usually pops up after thermal regulation kicks in is just fine.

The second runtime diagram shows what happens when the flashlight is used in a low temperature environment, i.e. riding a bicycle quite fast on a cold winter’s day.

I use this kind of batteries because I don’t want to use an external charger.

If there was shortcuts to lowest mode from off. I would keep memory mode on.

I’ve considered this mode group as well vs 6 no mem. I just don’t believe in strobe I guess.

Old post, but this is a great poll, IMO.

8 for my wife and kid

10 for me.

I wish there was a 75% option, but thse two modes get the job done for me.

I’m a set it and forget it type user for Biscotti. I don’t change which group I’m in for different situations. I just choose the Bistro driver to get the group that most closely matches my ideal for a tail clicky:

- Group 2 for me - all the levels including moon, but no strobes

  • Group 5 for my wife - simpler, but still with several well-spaced modes.

No mode memory for either.

Considering points made by others in this thread, I will have to try using Group 1 for a while in order to have battery check available. The ability of Bistro to go backwards in the modes might be enough for me to truly avoid strobes.

Just got my first Convoy on Monday (the S3) with the 12-group driver.

I don’t ever find myself using turbo modes because they drain the battery too fast and generate a lot of heat. I also don’t need strobe for my uses. I find myself using a nice medium mode a lot and a firefly mode comes in handy.

I’ve been using group 8 and really like it so far. The 4 outputs are great for me. And I think I like cycling low-high better than high-low. I do think that if I got a Convoy thrower, I would choose a group that included a turbo 100% output. For general purpose, the 0.1%, 1%, 10%, 50% modes are perfect for me.

I do wish there was a “medium only” mode as some have mentioned. It would make for optimal user-friendliness especially if I hand it to a family member that isn’t flashlight savvy.

2 or 10

I use mode group 2.