always with mode memory OFF.
I used to do Group 2. But then I found that Group 1 with mode memory off isn’t bad. You still have access to battery check but it’s easy to never hit the blinkies with the long half press or just turning off/on again. Battery check is unfortunately only in groups 1, 4, 7. 7 is out of the question, and you’re missing moonlight with 4.
2 for me and with mode memory on. I don’t like to have to press thru the levels to get to the same brightness every time I turn on my flashlight in a particular evening. And when I go to bed at night, I just set it to moonlight.
I don’t need the battery check since most of my EDCs have a lighted tailcap. I know when the battery is getting low when the tailcap starts to become dim.
Memory mode off. Group 2,8, or 10
5 or 8
6 is the perfect mode for my use. Bicycling and general EDC. Most closely mimics Turbo~~Medium~~>Low, in my opinion.
Lately, 10, with memory off.
I voted 2 but really it’s about half my lights on 2 with memory off (smaller lights I carry day to day) and the other half on 10 with memory on mostly (bigger lights I use for specific tasks).
6 no memory on forward clicky throwers
Generally on nanjg-style drivers I use the “s7” firmware I made for the Convoy S7. Its mode list is a bit longer… Moon/low/med/high/max, battcheck, pulse beacon, 10/24/60 Hz party strobes, slow/fast variable party strobes, low/med/high bike flasher. Offtime no-memory, and no config settings.
But when Biscotti is installed, I use group 1 with offtime no-memory. It’s the closest to what I’d normally use.
I prefer babka firmware, but if I use biscotti then i go for group 10 or 8. I think four modes is the optimal amount.
On my less powerful lights, group 2. On the heavier hitters, group 8.
EDIT: Mode memory on. Always on.
2 with Mode memory off.
I still the bugged 6A drivers that reset to defaults with mode memory. What was the fix for these?
I use 2 for EDC, but I don’t actually carry an S21A very often. But group 1 with mode memory enabled makes an S21A a nearly perfect-for-me bike front light. And I use that more than all my other flashlightls combined. So, for the sake of honesty, I had to vote “1”
If there were a a ~30 or 50% only mode I”d buy a lot more of them and give them to children, grandmas, etc.
I use #4 but I dont want sos and strobe, my ideal would be (1, 0.1, 20, 100, battery check) i think. so I have been looking into modding the firmware.
Me I’m on 2 for my warm 219Bs and SST20s in S2+ (for the moonlight) and 10 for my new S21A B35AM with memory mode on for all.
I’m new to Convoys, got into them for the easy access to warmer emitter choices for little cash (and wish I’d started with Convoys) and see it as my gateway to modding.
Anduril is cool, genius, and it distracted me for a while and I dipped into Lumintop and Hank’s offerings, but as I’ve gotten more into the hobby I’ve come to appreciate different UIs, including Convoy (Zebralight is pretty good too)
You folk here have known the ‘Convoy value proposition’ for years. I’ve ended up with Biscotti, Convoy’s own 12-mode version and even the old 3/5 mode. It works well, what else do you need? …ok long hold for moonlight from off and er, ok double click for max output, but other than that…
The code is open to encourage this sort of thing.
The Convoy biscotti drivers can be a little difficult to flash though, because one of the unused pins is grounded and must be cut from ground before flashing. If I recall correctly, it’s pin 5. And it also has some components so close to the MCU that the chip clip might not be able to grab on properly. :person_facepalming:
The default mode groups are mostly just what Convoy thought would cover most people’s needs best, given a limit of 8 or fewer modes per group and 12 or fewer groups (due to rom size limitations).
However, Biscotti was only ever created as a way to fit as much of Bistro as possible onto a nanjg-style driver (1 channel w/ attiny13a chip). If you have the option, Bistro is usually a better idea since it’s much more configurable and gives quicker access to more functions. But it requires a somewhat fancier driver.
Or, for an attiny13 driver, you could also go with different firmware entirely, tweaked more to your personal preferences instead of using a general-purpose one like Biscotti. Removing the config options frees up enough space to add a bunch of other features.