Sofirn SP10 Pro (AA/14500/Andúril 2) - now available!

What’s the best way to modify the firmware to access strobe while on? I have no idea how to modify the code and create a hex file

First you should think about which button combination should enable strobe.

For those interested in programming adapters…

I just got a batch of programming kits made up, and most of them are spoken for and have been shipped out. This first batch required modification of the USB to Serial adapter (addition of a Schottky diode between the Tx and Rx lines) so they’re only sold as a full kit. I have a couple of these still available to ship out if anyone is interested.

Also, parts just arrived from a redesign. instead of requiring the USB to Serial adapter to be modified, this version runs both the Tx and Rx lines to the pogo pin adapter and merges them there. This allows you to use this pogo pin adapter with pretty much any off-the shelf USB to Serial TTL adapter without any modifications (* note: if serial adapter has an Rx LED, you will likely need to physically disable that). If anyone would like these, I can send them out as just the pogo pin adapter or as a full kit with a USB to Serial adapter and Dupont cables. If you already have a serial adapter sitting around, this is a cheap/easy way to do the flashing.

Looks very well made Gchart :+1:

Nicely done gchart!

What size are the pogo pins? I’ve been looking at buying some, but turns out there’s a gazilion sizes…

P50-B1 (~0.68 diameter)

PS - the page on Oshpark has the BOM

Big thank you! It’s useful to see your photo and know the actual type. Puts it better into perspective.

Just wanted to let people know that Sofirn and Barry have replied to me meanwhile, concerning my order. :+1:
They are expecting drivers and updating firmware, so that is what caused delay.
Sofirn mentioned the end of the month to eventually have them.

I will wait for them to become available, as will not cancel my order. I just wanted to know what would be the reason, and now I know :+1:

Gchart you mentioned that shipping to Europe is expensive, should I make some programing adapters for Europeans ? (or others actually, an international 20g enveloppe is 1.65€)

That’d be great, I’d buy one.

It’s relatively easy to hack something like this together (e.g. hot gluing pogo and modding a FTDI board), but it’s an entire different thing if it’s properly done and nice and tidy like gchart’s adapter. Certainly more durable. For small things like this, shipping costs (+ customs!!!) are often a showstopper.

Even if I don’t know how to programme, I could learn and a cable would be handy in that case !
I’d buy one from you if you decide to make them. And thanks in advance for the proposal! :+1:

Yes, please.

Ok, I already ordered 15 boards and I’ll order some other necessary parts, I already have a few micro USB to TTL boards, maybe I should get some USB-C ones next.

You mentioned that heartshrink is optional, but in any case some insulation isn’t since touching the RX connection can make the programming fail in my experience.

GCHart, are there any POGO Pin adapters left for flashing this driver?

Thank you!

5C from on. I accidentally entered momentary mode and had to google to get rid of it.

I would also like to delete 5c from off since I don’t want to accidentally enter momentary mode ever again. I have no use for it.

Got your adapter today gchart. Thanks for the quick work. Now to learn the intricacies of Buried somewhere within this thread is the necessary software and some instructions on how to use it. Would you mind linking to that post in the OP to help us all out? Thanks.

I guess I need to publish a straight-forward set of instructions. I haven’t done exactly that yet, but I do have a ton of info here: Adventures in TinyAVR 1-Series

Basically, you need to…

  1. Make sure you have python3 installed on your computer
  2. Install “pip” for python3 (it may already be installed if you have python3)
  3. Use pip to install the “pymcuprog” package
  4. Download (or compile) the hex file
  5. Use pymcuprog on the command line to flash the hex file. I recommend doing an erase before writing the new hex file. I have sample commands in the post I linked above.
  6. As an alternative to #5, instead of trying to find your serial port and typing out your own commands, I have a python script here that you can use to issue a simple command like “ anduril.hex” to help do the dirty work.

I recently updated the firmware on mine and I posted a tutorial on reddit

The instructions are for Windows only though.

How can I add a line for 5C to activate strobe? I believe 5C while on currently doesn’t have a function

How can I remove the mode for momentary on while off?

Much thanks to gchart and zumlin! Once I got windows to install python properly, it all just worked! gchart, the little python script works very well also.

Also, just get gchart’s pogo adapter with the resistor and diode on board, it is a bargain!

What other lights flash this way, is this the first?