Review: Wurkkos TS10 w 5500K LEDs and Red Aux

either of those two command lines produce several pages of output…

here is a sample from the first command, at the end of the output:

±o USB2.0-Serial@14200000 <class AppleUSBDevice, id 0x100001140, register$
“sessionID” = 44282508400420
“iManufacturer” = 0
“bNumConfigurations” = 1
“idProduct” = 29987
“bcdDevice” = 611
“Bus Power Available” = 250
“USB Address” = 23
“bMaxPacketSize0” = 8
“iProduct” = 2
“iSerialNumber” = 0
“bDeviceClass” = 255
“Built-In” = No
“locationID” = 337641472
“bDeviceSubClass” = 0
“bcdUSB” = 272
“USB Product Name” = “USB2.0-Serial”
“PortNum” = 2
“non-removable” = “no”
“IOCFPlugInTypes” = {”9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861”=“IOUSBFam$
”bDeviceProtocol” = 0
“IOUserClientClass” = “IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2”
“IOPowerManagement” = {”DevicePowerState”=0,“CurrentPowerState”=3,“Ca$
”Device Speed” = 1
“idVendor” = 6790
“IOGeneralInterest” = “IOCommand is not serializable”
“IOClassNameOverride” = “IOUSBDevice”

TS10 surpasses FWAA from any point of view, the most beautiful and performing light, a must have!

I dug this up: which says that only certain USB serial adapters that contain an FTDI chipset work on MacOS Monterey and higher.

That combined with the lack of output from this command likely means a driver issue, but I don't have a adapter here to confirm on my end


ls /dev/tty.usb*

Example output:


thanks for trying… to help

my mac is on Sierra 10.12.6

is this supposed to be two separate commands:

ls /dev/tty.usb*


it shows up as 2 separate lines in your post

Updated my post to clarify, the second line is the output you should get it the usb serial has been recognised.

“ftDI” is a placeholder for the serial number of the device.

understood, thanks

so yes, youre right, my mac is not able to see the TTL

it just responds with

ls: /dev/tty.usb*: No such file or directory

thanks again for trying to help… Im going to stop bashing my head against the wall for now… enjoy your Sunday, and

Happy Fathers day to all

Do you have access to any other computers? (A raspberry pi for example?)

> Do you have access to any other computers?

no, just this 2015 iMac…
Do I need to buy a new computer to be able to flash Anduril?

> only certain USB serial adapters that contain an FTDI chipset work on MacOS Monterey and higher.

or maybe just a different TTL Programmer?

I just noticed that you said your mac is on Sierra 10.12

Can you try these instructions? They apply to the CH340 chip you have on Mac versions earlier than Mojave 10.14

> Can you try these instructions?

thanks for the suggestion… might give it a try later… much appreciated

Jon, what CRI does your Opple measure?

99.5 Ra at 5509 CCT… but Im waiting for someone w a spectrometer to measure R9, and confirm the other values

Nice, thank you :+1:

I thought my Opple was nuts… I get 99.6 CRI! This is the first 5800+k light that I actually am inclined to like. The output is so clean and so white that it does not hurt my eyes.

Definitely a fun little light. I like that the TS10 beam throws more, is less floody, than my FWAA.

I just ordered a Red TS10 w 4000K LEDs and Red Aux lights… woohoo!

Me too. I haven’t even gotten the ts10’s I ordered on June 6 yet and I just did the same!

I suspect the LEDs in the Ts10 are the same as the Wuben F5 NW tint setting…an advertised as 5700k, but I get about 5500k and 99 CRI. I dont think it’s possible, but maybe it’s close? It’s within 5%.

> What does 150/150 actually mean?

Anduril has 150 steps from lowest to highest output.
150/150 = highest = turbo,
1/150 = lowest

Boy was I wrong about the tint being too bright for a tiny light, dang near perfect light the only issue being the aux lights…Thanks Wurkkos the TS10 is best in class imo and like many of you guys I also ordered 4k red on red.

What “issue”?