I received a Review Sample of the Wurkkos TS10 w 5500K LEDs and Red Aux lights
Wow this thing is tiny! I love the waistline and the tailcap design reminds me of bamboo… very nice.
Tailstands perfectly.
The TS10 beam is more throwy than the FWAA… YAAAAY!!!
and the Tint is not green, and the CCT is not Blue. This is a very nice LED.
Fwaa 219c 4000Km TS10 5500K
The light feels great in hand, the button has a solid clic, not as easy to turn on as a stock FWAA.
Did I mention that the form factor feels really nice in hand, the aux LEDs are really fun, and the tint and CRI and CCT are awesome?! Plus it throws more than the FWAA… yes I know Im repeating myself. Its worth repeating… This is a really nice little light!
weights 48 grams w battery
Outputs in Advanced mode
0.09 low (FWAA is 0.12)
1000 lumens turbo (2c from on)
525 ceiling (2c from off)
outputs in simple mode
0.7 low
ceiling is turbo (2C from off and 2C from on also)
7 clics from off to change aux light brightness.
This is Anduril 2… with NO midramp nor topramp flashes… YAY! Loving It!
btw, I recommend raising the thermal limit to 55C… this allows the light to sustain about 280 lumens… By default the light throttles down to 85 lumens within 30 seconds of higher output, such as the 100/150 ceiling in Advanced. (ceiling in simple is 150/150)…
This Post is a Cry for HELP with learning how to reflash Anduril on a TS10. Maybe someone here will take pity on me, and walk me through the process.
Bear in mind Ive been struggling at every step of the way, for quite a long time.
At this point I have my iMac set up with all the software that gchart coached me on installing in Terminal. And I have the gchart SP10 Pro programmer that he built. The TS10 has the same flashing pads
So, Im trying to follow these instructions from Adair21:
Here’s the gist of it:
wire up the programmer to the light: pin2 => GND pin6 => VCC pin1 => TX/RX (depending on the programmer, you might need a 1kOhm resistor between TX and pin1)
2. figure out what your programmer is called on your system
• mine was /dev/tty.usbserial-1420 but yours might be different
3. try to ping the light
• pymcuprog ping -t uart -u /dev/tty.usbserial-1420 -d attiny1616
4. make a backup of the existing hex
• pymcuprog read -m flash -f ~/Desktop/sc21.hex -t uart -u /dev/tty.usbserial-1420 -d attiny1616
(I do not know why it lists the /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port twice, there are actually 4 usb ports on the back of the iMac, I have nothing plugged in to the other three)
I dug this up: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/any-usb-to-serial-cable-driver-for-macos-montery.2320221/post-30542447 which says that only certain USB serial adapters that contain an FTDI chipset work on MacOS Monterey and higher.
That combined with the lack of output from this command likely means a driver issue, but I don't have a adapter here to confirm on my end