【Wurkkos GAW】Wurkkos New TS22 & WK40 Giveaway-Closed

I have TS21 and HD15!

The more I use my TS10, the more I like it. Superb little torch. I carry my WK02 4000K for work every day. Love the tint, the well spaced modes, and it’s super handy. Thanks Wurkkos!

I need the TS22! What colors are we going to get ?

Ts21 x3
TS10 - waiting for restock for new colors! TS30S, HD20, And FC12

TS21 and TS30S

I like TS21 and TS10 also

could set every color in the gradient

link for reference here :

Not sure if WK40-such a strange combination will be popular, so only a few dozen are trial-produced to test the water

White is obviously useful. :clown_face:

Red and Green are often used for hunting animals that can see white but not red/green so much, so you can sneak up on them better and kill them. Not very sporting, but it works. :open_mouth:

Blue is often used for “blood tracking”, too.

I think it was Brynite that made a zoomie that would have R/G/W chips on a slider, that would slide under the lens when selected. No blue. That was marketed as a hunting light.

But “light-painters”, or people who just like playing with different colors, can use, say, red (or green) on its dimmest setting to not ruin night vision. And blue can be used as a cheap way to check (some) fluorescence.

I thought the original WK30 would be just a “gimmick” light, but it became (and still is) one of my favorites.

Ah, I was right:


It’s the T28.

The ts10 is amazing for what it is.

Hoping you guys keep continuing the trend of using more efficient drivers!

yeah, thank you, WK40 is a flood one not quite suit for hunting, those who like playing with different colors will like it :crown:

I use my WK30’s red light on the dimmest setting for putzing around at night without ruining my night vision. Nice and floody, not a bright concentrated hotspot.

Me, I like floody lights for the wider angle, except for when I want/need dedicated throwers. So floody is definitely good.

In the ANSI/NEMA FL1 chart, just to clarify:
The mode Runtime(police flash) refers to just red and blue flashing right?
While (color flash) is for red, blue and green flashing?

I have 2 FC11's one is 5000K and the other is 2700K. I really like both of them for walking my dog.

red and green cycle in police flash too this batch

Operation Instructions of WK40
WK40 with dual switches, tail switch for modes changing and ring magnet switch for brightness.
3 Groups:
Group 1: white lighting mode (default)
Full click to turn ON/OFF, Rotate the magnetic control switch for brightness adjustment: low-medium-high-turbo.
Double half press to strobe mode, the other half press to return.
When ON, triple half press taggle to Group 2.

Group 2: Color mode
When ON, half press to cycle different colors: green-white-blue-red, rotate the magnetic control switch for brightness adjustment: low-medium-high-turbo.
Double half press to strobe mode on each color, the other half click to return.
When ON, triple half press taggle to Group 3.

Group 3: Flash mode
Full click to turn ON/OFF
When in Colorful gradient mode, half press to lock the color when gradient, another half press to return.
Colorful infinite gradient:The gradation cycle is about 15 seconds, and the three leds of red, green and blue are dimming and cyclic light distribution, and the magnetic control ring is rotated to adjust the brightness.
Police flash: red-red→blue-blue→red-red→green-green→cycle, each color flashes at 4HZ.
Color changing flash: red→green→blue→white→cycle, each color performs 6HZ flashing with a cycle of 1S.
Color changing slow flashing: use red→green→blue→→cycle, each color flashes at 2HZ with a cycle of 1S.

When ON, quickly half press the tail switch twice to change flash modes: Colorful infinite gradient→ police flash → color changing burst flash → color changing slow flash → cycle.
When ON, triple quickly half press the tail switch enter the white lighting mode.

Thanks for your reply.
Just to clarify, user can select either red/blue cycle or red/green cycle for police flash?

I have multiple TS10’s and really love them. The RGB light looks awesome, please produce it!

I just want to play with different colors! :smiley:

can not select now, we are considering update the police flash to only red/blue flash