$5 Thrunite Ti

honestly i’m just glad they were mailed out lol

I decided to order another Thrunite Ti Firefly from aCaliforniabased vendor. It will be Black and the 0.04 / 60 lumen version for $7 more to ship to the East Coast. Honestly I should have checked “where” this “deal” originated from before pulling the trigger as I hate like all get out to wait for things from China and I don’t even know what color its going to be. I’ve decided that when this one eventually arrives it will be a “gift” for somebody. The one I ordered fromCaliforniashould get here much sooner.

That 4 second video is right on the money. Mine is still "processing".

Those who received “Item sent” status, what order number do you have?

Email received order #18.

I’m order #255. Still “processing”

Ordered in Spring, but will only receive my light in Summer… :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously. Its nice and all that to get a light for 5$, but thats if it even arrives, otherwise its not a deal because you havent gotten anything (not to sound like a jerk.)

I would have rather paid the 12$ like you mentioned instead of the 5$ and actually received the item in a week. Instead of waiting who knows how long and not knowing what you will get.

  1. here :bigsmile: Don’t wanna think of when I’ll receive mine :bigsmile: Any predictions? :bigsmile:

I’m #92 and still processing.

  1. and still processing. It’ll probably arrive before Christmas.

I’ve actually been working with ThruNite (you may notice that his website shares some similarities with mine).

they shipped out the lights 1 week ago and now they’re trying to figure out how to batch update all 1000+ of the orders with tracking. not an easy task.


I paid $11 for the "deal" because I got in at the end of it. I wish that I had spent a little more time researching but I was tired of finding sites out of stock. I had literally just started researching this flashlight and after no luck and finding sites out of stock I stumbled upon the deal and jumped on it. A little more research and I would have ordered from California in the first place. One thing I find annoying is too many vendor sites do not clearly display their location, not saying this is intentional, but I'd rather order from a few states over and adjust my shipping method accordingly rather than wait 4 weeks from overseas.

Order #106 still processing.

My email to Sabrina@thrunite.com to check tracking went through however.

We shall see.

Got my tracking number via email, (order #71)

Because it’s Chinapost, package it’s still in Guangzhou as of June 17

From their FB account

Wow |(

I was order #15, and received email confirmation of "Delivered". I'm sure they meant it was shipped.

I wish I understood more about the mailing process from China to here. I ordered a knife from China via ebay 9 days ago and received it today! Whatever they did…why can’t everyone do that :slight_smile:

im #145 and it is still saying processing.

i'm going to again thank them for offering this light to us for so cheap . 5$ for this light is an incredibly good deal no matter the color or lumen output .if it doesn't work it's still a deal for the parts ..

thanks thrunite

I agree with Boaz except for the part about it not working :slight_smile: If it doesn’t work it’s not worth $5 (to me) for the parts. I don’t need any TI parts :slight_smile:

I received an email tonight from Thrunite. I’m order #140 and my order was just “delivered” so I assume it was just “shipped”.

From memory I’m order #128. Don’t care what the processing status is - haven’t checked. For $5 it’s an amazing deal, and when it comes, it comes. The logistics of sending out 1200 or whatever packages is a big deal for a small company, and as Craig says, to then have to deal with a new order system and change processing status, will be a pain.

As someone here said a few weeks ago - forget about it - it will be a nice surprise someday soon.

Edit>> Just got the shipping email (but I think they actually shipped them last week - this is a bit of housekeeping).