WhichThruNite Ti did you get?

Mines a 3 lumen gold and … bent. Oh well so much for that. :frowning:



Got a gold 3 lumen low. Not exactly the color and low mode I was looking forward to, but for $5 I can’t complain.

Got mine today green with 3 lumen firefly mode…

The brass pill was pressed into the head at a slight angle so it didn’t go all the way in. It was sort of crooked/bent when you screwed the pill head assembly on the body. I was able to press it in fully via hammer and cutting board and it corrected itself.
Happy now with that.

So far Red is <33% and Gold is NOW the new black?

PS - I’ve been wondering what those who have the firefly had it say on the box. Mine says firefly and then 3 lumens so it’s not really a firefly. On the T10’s true firefly I can look direct at the emitter and not squint . . can’t do that on the Ti 3 lumen version.

You're right the firefly is much dimmer than the 3 lumen version ..I got a gold 3 lumen and wish I got the pink/red instead .

The 3 lumens is an excellent low ..

Black with firefly mode. Exactly the one I was hoping for and a steal for five bucks. Very happy!

Gold/3 lumin here.

Mine is more gold and less orange than in the pic.

Gold 3 lumen variant for me.

I sold mine already, as I was really only interested in the Firefly. I had actually intended to mod mine so that it was a single mode 0.04 lumen light, but it wasn’t in the cards.

Meh, I got the gold/orange 3 lumen version. I was order number 38 and at that time the deal looked like it was going to be a black firefly version. Kinda bummed about that.

Still a good deal for 5 bucks though.

I got a black firefly .

I approve of this .

I hope that was a joke. Why on earth would you want to mod it to be low power only? Just buy a crappy $2 light from the hardware store and you have a dim light that is not good for much. I bought a AAA single mode from DD for $1.80 shipped, it is prob 1 lumin and has a clicky.

Still can’t answer the poll. I got a registered mail slip yesterday. Went to the post office to get it this morning and there was too long a line to stand in for a $5 light (plus I was already late for work). They’re not open Saturday and they never try to re-deliver registered mail, so looks like Monday. I like tracking, but registered mail just delays things for me.

Gold 3 lumen here.

Was informed by my sweetie that I have a package in the mail. It should be the Ti and I’m praying I don’t find a gold 3-lumen jobber. I really want firefly mode in just about any color but gold. Will update when I get home and unwrap it. :slight_smile:

Update: no Ti, just a pair of 14500 IMR cells. Maybe tomorrow. :frowning:

Black firefly here.

Gold, with the 3 lumen low.

Pink/red 3 lumen - very nice light and UI. I like the color actually, it’s different. Great quality, thanks Thrunite!