Get one!! IMO, at this price, it is a Budgeteer's dream!! Wink

The M10, Ke-5 and JM05 Clone. However, right before I took the beam shots, I moved the Ke-5 to the right and put the JM05 Clone in the middle and left the M10 on the left.

Here is the JM05 clone in the middle with the Keygos Ke-5 on the right and the Keygos M10 on the left..

I just mounted the JMO5 clone on my bicycle helmet... Oh boy..It has a super spill along with a good throw, all good for my bicycle..

After speaking with my local dealer (Vietnam) this light comes with a 2.2A stock driver.

He’s agreed to swap mine out for a 2.8A driver, so naturally I’ve just gone an pulled the trigger, again :Sp

My initial reaction: wow! what a nice looking light.

Agree with other comments that it feels a little rough and jagged around the edges, but still good enough especially at this price.

I would add though that it more than makes up for it in good looks, in fact it’s probably the nicest looking like I have and it looks better than my JM07 Pro.

I really like the beam profile. Driven at 2.8A the spill is almost as wide but brighter than my JM07. The hotspot is very tight, much tighter and brighter than my XML Ultrafire C8, indicating good throw. And it has a very large bright yellow corona, which makes it a good flooder as well as a good thrower, and a very good bike light. Here are some more pics, it’s too handsome not to post any:

Looks awesome on the MTB. Trustfire A8 (right)

Amongst my ametuer collection. Mine doesn’t have WOLF or whatever it is written on the tailcap.

Juicy review!

Thank you for the review Biggie. And all the nice pics.

Same goes out to whokilledJR. TY 4 the pics :-)

Ultrafire branded if you are interested.

3 days left, but you can pay it later if you put it in the shopping cart.


The color is great. Is there a brand or a name printed on it? Maybe some other shops sell the grey version under a different name.

Hi Buwuve, my clone is completely unbranded.

I’m sure it’s the same colour as Biggie’s, perhaps different lighting?


Here’s another link:\_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

I’ve liberally just ordered another light off this seller, so far I’m very impressed, they emailed me personally to confirm it has shipped and emailed me initially to warn me they had been advised the Olympics may affect deliveries into London (i live 500 miles away but its the thought that counts). On this alone I’m feeling good about the order, if it comes in a reasonable time I’d have no problems pointing other people too them.

I also like that the lights I have looked at seem to have at least plausible lumen ratings.

Which is the best for you?

The M10 is a winner because of price. The JM05 Clone is good too for the simple fact it is a little shorter and I use all my lights on my bicycles. I had to send of these back, because the washer kept falling off, and the light wouldn’t come on or change modes. The M10 at $19 to $22 is a tough one to beat… I got 3 of the M10s, and two of the JM05 clones.

Thank you for the links :slight_smile: Your flashlight has a gungrey color, biggie’s and my own (I have the long 2x 18650/26650 version) looks more bronze colored. Maybe the different cameras and lights make them look different. I like the flashlight and think about to buy the short version.

Thanks. :wink:

Welcome to the gang, F. Premens!

Well, my ultrafire jm05 arrived today………

Keygos cells too long, inr’s too long, protected 2800 18650, too long…… :~ I’m going to take all my cells and the light to work tomorrow, I suspect the tail cap assembly requires some attention/reassembly, hey ho.

Otherwise its damm nice, lubed threads and o rings, tailcap has wolf engraved in it, clicky feels nice, seems it’ll have a lock out feature, if I ever get it going… It has a nice heft in the hand, I like it, just wish it had fired up, I do get the occasional flash when screwing the tail cap on.

Oh, the pill is damm loose in the head, although the reflector does tighten it up nicely.

Come to think of it mine had similar issues, I placed 2 washers underneath the pill to take pressure off the batteries and it’s worked fine ever since.

I’ve just had it apart, not sure I can push the pill further into the head, its hard against the reflector, which is hard against the lense and bezel, and I want all of them tight against the o-rings.

I turned my attention to the tail cap, it has a brass button sitting on the spring, retained by a plastic top hat and a brass ring. All these jut out into the tail cap.

When I stripped it, I got the next suprise, the spring is not soldered to the board. As I stripped further, I got another suprise when the clicky flicked across the cab of the van……. Yep, that’s not soldered either :~

This thing as is will not pass much current I believe, and would probably flicker if shaken.

I’ll add photos when I’m not at work, but I first thought of flipping the brass retainer, however it first needs relieving as it would link out the switch (lucky its brass huh?). So my plan is to relieve the retainer, do away with the button top and top hat, solder the whole switch assembly, then go from there.

I did manage to get both an inr 26650 and a grey ultrafire to light it, but not with the tail cap tightened down, and buying specific short cells is not happening, I want it able to run what ever I put in.

The pill fit is really, really poor by the way, I’m thinking of trying to us Ali foil like ptfe tape on a plumbing fitting along with thermal grease, or if I decide I really like it, I may see about getting a new pill made, depends on the threads in the head I suppose.