I didn't bother registering so there's nothing to check. If nothing arrives in a few weeks then I'll chase it, I have the Paypal details.

oooh, that was fast - they just answered my mail, said they got the order, and asked what plug type I would like for my charger... And they promised to send me the car adapter too. nice!

It seems that the issue with "My Orders" is probably just a glitch.

How long is Chinese New Year holiday? I think they will back soon

Same here. Placed an order for Fenix E21, a second try were successful. I get PayPal confirmation, but "My Orders" section also says "You have placed no orders". Weird...

They replied me yesterday and apologized for the late reply

Just a tiny update - the XTAR WP2 went up to 15.18$.

Guess the 10.18$ was either promotional or a mistake.

The $5 extra is probably postage costs

They've shipped the cells I ordered on Wednesday on Saturday (Friday UK time). With a tracking number which will likely make it into the HK tracking system about the same time as the package arrives.

Looking good so far.

I just tried ordering a UV 'fauxton' from this website. While on their banner they claim to offer 'free shipping', I can't seem to avoid their 'registered mail' fee. Is there anyway to deselect this option?

False advertising in my opinion. I'm hesistant to buy from them...

I just had a look at their FAQ. There heaps of chinglish there to decipher, but I found this 'question' quite funny:

8. How is the quality? Do your electronic products catch on fire a lot?

A: We supplied our products to all over the world and got very good reputation from our clients. Our Quality is guaranteed.No li-ion battery catch on fire! It is very safe and stable of our batteries.

The registeration fee is compulsory, but no surprises otherwise.

My package was shipped about four days after I placed it, including weekend.

It is now in HKP, waiting to be shipped (for a week now, are they competing with DX for incompetence? :/ ).

Q: Why do all your products end in -fire? (Ultrafire, Trustfire, Uniquefire) Does this mean they are guaranteed to produce a fire?

Looks like that fee is aplied for a whole order If you buy smt that costs 2 bucks... pay almost 3 bucks more... :~

Are they gone? I cant find them

Strange. However, I just received Fenix E21 I ordered from them.

They emailed me last week to tell me that the cells were held up in HK Post (The email I got from them wasn't in any of the variants of English I speak so I'm not at all clear on what they actually meant.), it appears they had actually checked the HK Post tracking which is way better than most.

However the cells arrived today.

If they are now gone, it is a pity - I'd certainly have ordered from then again.

I got my XTAR WP2 + some UV and white keychains today.

I too would have ordered from them too if they weren't gone. I hope it's just temporary.

Works for me. Could be temp problem. Looks like they remove holiday background. Still waiting my Xeno. Should arrive til Friday (or Monday at latest).

Everyone, who recieved smt from them, please tell us if all your things arrived well and as described (Don, please test your IMR also)

I ordered an XTAR WP2 charger, and one keychain light of each type: uv 395nm, uv 390nm, uv 365nm, white normal, white 10mm.

Haven't tested the WP2 yet, but it looks just like the pictures at the xtarlight site, and came with both AC and 12V adapters (I asked for the car adapter so I don't know if they always ship it).

All the keychain lights work, but I'm not sure the 365nm is indeed 365nm. They were packed inside the XTAR box, so everything arrived in good condition.

ups it works again :)