Show off your collection! *pics*

...but that would ruin the continuity for your ceiling bounce testing! :P


This isn't a picture of the full collection, about a third of them. A little bit different as this picture has at least one of every different emitter I've got.

Left to right:

Coast LED Lenser: Nichia GS

Sipik SK68: Cree XR-E

Crelant 7G1: Cree XP-G

Sipik SK56: Osram Golden Dragon

Techlite Lumen Master: Cree XP-E

Ultrafire C1: XM-L (yay it came yesterday)

Rebranded Dorcy/Nexxtech: Luxeon Rebel TFFC

Wow, some awesome collections!!! really need the glasses for these!

I started with my DIY LED torches, two AA cell with resistors and 5mm clear Super Bright LEDs, PVC pipes, 80c slider switches. I was freaking out at the 40mA I was giving these yellow LEDs! And then came the $10 white 5mm 9000mcd LEDs (OMG), and then the singe cell boost circuits from silicon chip magazine (electronics hobby magazine) put into 2AA bodies from the local $2 shop. Toward the end of my highschool time the luxeons started coming out, but I didnt know I was a LED addict then. Between then and Now, there have been many torches along the way, DIY and bought. Maglites at the time were the pinnacle of torches, with me buying many other cheaper ones along the way! My dad then came back from Hong Kong with a Luxeon III Superfire, which has AMAZING machining quality, with threads smoother than anything i have even now! Thats where it started. About 5 months ago... Bought the Trustfire R5A3, and then all these pre-loved Nitecore torches in varying conditions.

So ill try to take a picture of what the collection is currently at, sorry only text atm.

Fishinfool, I love that D10 in the front, thats a BEAUTIFUL grey, Im waiting to find one of those for myself.

Thanks okwchin. It's definitely not a budget light and not my brightest but it's beautifully made and is one of my faves.

So I can't sleep...for a change. So what's better to do during the night than taking photos of flashlights :P

Actually it's quite fitting since my insomnia is pretty much the reason I started buying them in the first place.

When I can't sleep I go for a walk through the park behind my house and down to the local river, so I needed a decent torch.

The problem is that when I'm overly tired I'm very week willed and just start buying anything shiny of eBay :P

Anyway heres about half of my collection, pretty much everything that was on or in my desk.

I picked up the lantern of eBay about a month ago, it was £7.99 including batterys (3xD). I expected it to be pretty rubbish for that price, but it's amazingly well made and gives off a good amount of light. I hadn't intended to leave that battery box in shot, but couldn't be bothered to stand everything back up after what I was doing because too intresting.

Lillyzilla's devistating attack on Torchio :P

I might as well put these here as well - my charging setup.

I bought the little black charger on the right as it was much cheaper than buying a suitable 18650 battery holder. I gutted it of all it's insides and attached suitable leads. As I wouldn't be using it to charge two cells at once I then soldered in a AA sized holder.

Very nice charging set-up, Pook. Do you have trouble removing the AA's from that modded holder? I wonder if two part epoxy would help. This reminds me I need to get a decent charging set up some day.

It's soldered in with solid copper wire and plasti-welded in place so the holder won't be coming off ever :P

Those battery holders are generally a bit of a bugger to get batteries out of though, so I trimmed the hold in flaps a little.

Don, this guy is close to you :)

I think he owns more than even I do. :)

Just showed this video to my wife in hope she realize im stll being way too reasonable. :)

I too think that he has a few more than Don..........just a few more.:O

Here are most of mine. A couple are hiding somewhere in my house..

Here's my collection as of 2010.

I believe 30 more lights added since then. broke...

umm. thanks guys. I feel a lot better now.

In other news, I'm going back to HK to buy more flashlights see my girlfriend again at the end of the month.

My name is Devman, and I don't have an addiction.

..ooh, my DQG tiny II arrived! TTUL!

At first they all say so

Lucky you, Devman. Girlfriend and flashlight.

I was just thinking... care for the specs of those Mags? ;)

I have only one, but it´s The Gun of the (small) herd.

The Mag's are stock. Looking to upgrade them with these soon

The two above the Trustfire are no name chinese ebay specials I bought several years ago. Complete crap. The lantern was purchased from Costco 10 or more years ago, nothing special really.The Dewalt 18 volt should be self explanatory. I'm ordering this drop in for it

I stopped collecting 6 month 9 month ago ...