Show off your collection! *pics*

Very nice charging set-up, Pook. Do you have trouble removing the AA's from that modded holder? I wonder if two part epoxy would help. This reminds me I need to get a decent charging set up some day.

It's soldered in with solid copper wire and plasti-welded in place so the holder won't be coming off ever :P

Those battery holders are generally a bit of a bugger to get batteries out of though, so I trimmed the hold in flaps a little.

Don, this guy is close to you :)

I think he owns more than even I do. :)

Just showed this video to my wife in hope she realize im stll being way too reasonable. :)

I too think that he has a few more than Don..........just a few more.:O

Here are most of mine. A couple are hiding somewhere in my house..

Here's my collection as of 2010.

I believe 30 more lights added since then. broke...

umm. thanks guys. I feel a lot better now.

In other news, I'm going back to HK to buy more flashlights see my girlfriend again at the end of the month.

My name is Devman, and I don't have an addiction.

..ooh, my DQG tiny II arrived! TTUL!

At first they all say so

Lucky you, Devman. Girlfriend and flashlight.

I was just thinking... care for the specs of those Mags? ;)

I have only one, but it´s The Gun of the (small) herd.

The Mag's are stock. Looking to upgrade them with these soon

The two above the Trustfire are no name chinese ebay specials I bought several years ago. Complete crap. The lantern was purchased from Costco 10 or more years ago, nothing special really.The Dewalt 18 volt should be self explanatory. I'm ordering this drop in for it

I stopped collecting 6 month 9 month ago ...

9 months, huh? So you gave up before the XML-U2 emitters became widely available?

Well, I don't usually do this, but seeing as you've given up on this hobby, and I like you, I'm willing to make you a one-time-only special offer. I'll buy the whole lot off you for the ridiculous sum of TWENTY (20) American dollars.

That might not seem like a fair amount of money, but I'll throw in a photographic montage of my girlfriend clubbing me into a coma for bringing even more lights into the house. Once you figure in the medical bills, I think you'll see it's pretty fair. :P

Seriously, that's a serious whack of lights. My first thought was "what's with all the little ones" until I realized they're generally 18650 hosts. Good job, and here's hoping you don't make it past 10 months!

Wow, nice collections guys!

So you gave up before the XML-U2 emitters became widely available?

I don't own an y XML-U2. Only XML-T6 ...

My first thought was "what's with all the little ones" until I realized they're generally 18650 hosts.

6*14500er, 1*16340, 1*25500 ... all other are 18650 hosts.

... yet.

Yeah, it took me a second to get a sense of scale. It's the whole 'people look like ants from up here!' thing.

Nice collection of mags! lol, aspheric FTW.

Here is my collection that was in the bedroom at the time.. Not strictly budget, I guess it is budget by size?? Regardless, this "hobby" no longer remains budget given enough time. Theres more parts and bits here and there that doesn't get pictured.

These have been arranged from silver to black and shades in-between. Just remembered there are another 2 D10s in the living room.

The second Novatac is just a shell, the driver is currently being incorporated into my headlamp battery pack. Drives an XP-G at only 400mA max :((

You have a bunch of the same one (on the right)? Particularly fancy it?