(closed,all sold out) Give me your money: 2nd BLF Light, TrustFire A8

Yep, but that means stretching to a zebralight, to give you an idea, my most pricey light is my ancient incan 3d Maglite, otherwise most of my lights are sub $30, I truly am budget minded.

Mods may run to more if I tot up the bits, but part of the value to me in those is the satisfaction of messing about building something myself. :smiley:


i did not hear that it will cause a duty and tax by DHL.

if i declare the value at only 10-20$.

Best Regards



Have you decided on a name yet? There’s been a lot of different suggestions thus far. Perhaps we need to poll it.

Just put BLF Edition on it.

I like that, A8 BLF Edition <—simple, and leaves it open for a real “BFL Fatty” latter on. ;)

this site doesn't like me. VERY VERY SLOW to access in.

i will edit the #1 post, make a little supplement and modification.

Best Regards


Thank you for the info!

(I’m still wondering about DHL’s brokerage charge, so if anyone else has any information in this regard please update.)

Hi Rey,

Could i purchase Option 1 please. Thanks.

Sign me up for Option 2: 45 dollars DHL… Call it BLF Aight

I’m in for option 1 NW tint (DHL if possible)

Things I would like to see in this torch:

1. Firefly to High mode (0.05~0.1/2/30/100)
2. Higher PWM, 2kHz would work
3. Driven at 2.8a or higher on high mode
4. No mode memory (always starts in Firefly mode)
5. low voltage warning

Name either BLF Fatty or BLF A8

2 x option 1

Interesting question about what mode to start the light on ..if it has a firefly do you want it to start on low ,,on one hand that seems to make sense ....lights that start on high also seem to make sense . I kind of like lights that don't start on max since I'm almost always turning them down. Med/Low/moon/turbo..??

tough question ...

Looks like you're doing a great job covering lots of bases here Rey I appreciate your efforts and look forward to this light too

Sounds like everyone wants high PWM. So mode order seems to be the big sticking point.

I can see the merit to both arguments… For large lights, starting in high usually makes the most sense. BUT… Having superlow “firefly” mode makes starting low and progressing up make more sense.

Mode memory is a key consideration in this as well….

I think if there is NO mode memory Firefly>Low>Med>High order might be the way to go. Switching down to firefly from high could be totally useless in scenarios that require superlow light. You’ve already blinded yourself!

If there IS mode memory H>M>L>FF could work OK. If you want super low light just leave it in that mode. Easy. Only a quick on-off scenario would mess that up. Would definitely want a short amount of time until memory kicks in. I’d say no more than 1 sec.

What do you guys think?

I’m right there with you. Memory or FF-L-M-H would be my preferred option. But I guess there are a lot of guys who don’t spare a thought about low/ff mode and want to start with High…. a tough call for Rey :bigsmile:

To me starting out on high is utterly pointless because you will have blinded yourself or disturbed whomever/whatever you were trying to not disturb in the first place. If you want high then give it a couple quick taps and you are there - no harm no foul except a couple extra clicks for the truly lazy. If they use High mode all the time then memory will keep it there for them. Personally I prefer no memory and starting on low.

I'm stuck with picking a preferred mode order and memory or no memory. I kind of like the idea of having no memory and starting in firefly and progressing to high. That way you never blind yourself turning the light on. I don't think it's a big deal to toggle modes to get to high when you want high. I'm picturing in my mind walking into a room to check on a sleeping baby or out camping and grabbing the light inside the tent to get prepared when nature calls. In these situations having memory or starting in high mode won't work too well (well memory mode would work if you had remembered ahead of time to set the light in firefly or low).

Then there's that driver program that Dr. Jones came up with which has been touted as being the best of both worlds. I'd have to look it up again. Is it ok/legal to use it?

EDIT - looks like I'm right there with JohnnyMac! Seems I'm in good company!

EDIT #2 - here's what I was thinking (copied two posts from here and here):


OK so I am not alone. Good.

Can’t lie, at first I was all for H>M>L… but after more thought, it really defeats the whole idea of having a firefly mode. (Unless there is mode memory.)

How about a hidden beacon mode? Anyone else see this as helpful? Hey, and while we're at it instead of S-O-S it could do B-L-F in morse code! :)


Well, Rey could always just sell us the host without a driver and let us put our own in. TrustFire will never install a Nanjg driver as they will want to use their own. A Nanjg 105v2 will let us chose 2,3 or 5 modes, whether it starts out in high or in low, and whether it uses mode memory. It even has moon low. As a bonus we'd get true 3.04A output and very high PWM. Offer the option to get one without a driver installed and drop a Nanjg v2 into the package for us do-it-yourselfers. Offer the option of the complete light as planned for those who don't/can't mod.

Just thinking out loud and don't expect Rey to take this serious.

I’d be up for no memory and moon/low/med/high/beacon modes. Dump crappy SOS and strobe and go beacon. Very useful if outdoors for locating camp or other campers. Never have to see it if you don’t need it either