(closed,all sold out) Give me your money: 2nd BLF Light, TrustFire A8

one week passed, the sample is still processing in custom clearance at the destination country.

it will be grey


I don’t think all caps is a good idea, and I’m going to hazard a guess that most people will agree with me. No need to yell it :wink:

Besides, the specs are locked down already.

This thread has been going on for so long I’ve lost track of how I’m supposed to order one. Is Rey taking orders yet, or are we still waiting? Did I miss a link somewhere?

The review sample is stuck in customs on the way to the, once it has the gold star, ordering info will be posted.

I’m itching to order but having to be patient, people keep posting in here is not helping me at all….

Really? Why not?

“BLF Edition” is fine with me.

Soon.. Very soon. Maybe in 5-6h ;)

Monday, December 03, 2012 Location Time
12 Forwarded for delivery HELSINKI - FINLAND 10:24
11 Clearance processing complete at HELSINKI - FINLAND HELSINKI - FINLAND 05:14

Edit: And yes, "BLF Edition" without caps is better (IMHO)

It's not the quotation marks, but CAPS. ALL CAPS can be considered as yelling, see netiquette.

I wasn’t saying you were yelling, merely that I don’t want the A8 to be yelling EDITION at me. In fact if anything, I’d prefer our custom text to be a little smaller, and the same subdued off-white colour as the official logo, and on the other side of the torch.

However, I’ll be getting one regardless of all that :wink:

Is the review done yet? 0:) :bigsmile:

“One last time…these are small but the ones out there are far away”
“Small…far away”

Hope someone gets that. lol

Just when I thought I was cured out comes another BLF light and its 26650. I cannot resist. Take my money now!

Finally got the light. It's gorgeous! More than worth the long wait.

I don't know where to start, but I'll try..

The light came very well packed, as usual when dealing with Rey. Thanks!

Here's the retail package:

..which contains: The light itself, a holster, TR-005 charger, and one TF26650 "5000mAh" protected cell:

The light says: "TrustFire A8 - BLF Edition": (Please ignore the dust spots)

The charger can charge one cell at a time, anything from 16340 to 26650:

It says "1500mA", maybe so in the beginning, but the included 26650 at 3.78V charged at 400-500mA.

The modes are High->Med->Low->LowLow, with perfectly working memory (more than 2s off -> same mode, every time)

Brightness is about 650, 260, 16 & 2 lumens OTF (Tailcap currents 3.85, 1.04, 0.04 & 0.007A with Kingkong ICR at 3.95V and 3.29, 0.90, 0.04 & 0.006 with the included TF cell at 3.92V)

Duty cycles were 100, 30, 2 & 0.3%

Estimated runtimes with a 4000mAh cell are about 1h, 4h, 100h, and 571h

I wouldn't call the lowest mode "firefly" or "moon", but it's very usable "low low" with theoretical runtime of over 23days!

Here's the same in photos (1/100s, F/5, ISO80, WB:Daylight)

The PWM is very high and totally unnoticeable at 2kHz.

What more can I say..

All systems green. Go ahead! Good job Rey & TF!

NOW...hurry up and take my money!! How do we order again?

I want Option #2 with DHL delivery plus an extra driver. How much are the extra drivers?

Wow! Sounds great! But shouldn't the tailcap currents be measured with a cell @ 4.2v? And do these currents on high mean it's direct drive on high? Rey said it would only be 2.8A on high?


Meh, dd/regulated, who cares, give me a light and four drivers asap. I want this badly!

Hurry up Rey, reviews done all is good, take my damm money! :bigsmile:

The current does sound like 2.8 if it only does 650 lumens in NW. Runtime on high should be more than 1.5 hours (closer to 1.75). For runtime to be only an hour on a 4000mA cell it would be driven at 4A and would put out WAY more than 650 lumens. I’d say it is definitely not direct drive and is regulated at least until the voltage drops to around 3.5v

I prefer to go by OTF lumens and not tailcap readings but somehting does indeed seem odd about this whole thing. How can it pull 3.8A and only put out 650 lumens unless it is an extremely inefficient driver (35% inefficient!)? At 2.8 tailcap it should put out at least 650 OTF.

How to order?