xml2 announced!!!!

that’s awesome

super information!!!

Looks like it will rock out world in the near future!!!

Does it have better throw similar to XP-G vs XP-G2?

Same size die… meaning easy upgrade for all our lights… hoho :money_mouth_face:

Dont know if this helps out but both datasheets show a viewing angle of 125.

which is the same, right?

so 20% more output will mean ?% higher surface brightness…and more throw

now, if they would just make red and green xml2s I’d be ecstatic


1200 lumens at 3A sounds like a lot to me!

and if you prefer, run at ~20% lower amperage and get longer runtime instead…

I have been waiting for these to come out!!!

Cool, now I’m glad I haven’t bought any new xml lights lately.

Can’t wait to see Match bench test these to 5A J)

There, fixed that for ya! :)


Hahah fair enough.

Wow, 2.85v forward voltage at 700mA. That’s pretty great!

YAY… Great news!

Great link, thanks.

Please have a look at their data on over-driving LEDs:


Always good to see improved LEDs appearing.

Nice! But a little bummed about all the current lights that I just paid for - some of which are still in the mail on the way to me - now being just a little bit outdated!

That settles it… I’m not going to buy a 3-D TV yet, I’m waiting for 4-D to come out! :wink: —KarRacer31

116 lumens-per-watt efficacy at 3 A, 25°C.

You gotta like that!

i read (very) quickly - and gathered 1. yay for overdriving (they’ll continue to come out with new LEDs faster than I’ll wear them out) 2. no pwm (ie constant current) is more efficient

I bought the first 4-D TV and traveled back in time to make this post