My Nitecore EA4

Got my replacement today! The bezel has an even gap now. Am I happy? YES!!!!!!! Thanks Craig!!!!!!

Cool, great news. When I took mine apart and put back together the bezel is even all the way around. Does yours still rattle?

Rick, it still has a slight rattle, but I'm ok with that. The Bezel was my main issue. I can always fix the rattle. I know you straightened your bezel, but I'm extremely anal. Just knowing that it was cross threaded is enough to ruin the experience for me. I'm weird, what can I say?

No, I’m probably the worst when it comes to perfection. When I got my L3 K40 with the bad reflector it has been driving me nuts. They finally got them in, so I have to mail them mine and then they will mail me a new one when they get it… which sucks but what do you do… :wink:

I want one!

I am gonna get one.

But I’m thinking about upgrading my camera for even better pictures.

Brad, you NEED to get one! I'm playing with mine right now! lol! The Nitecore! You people have dirty minds!

Good to see that they took care of you!

Yeah, I'm thrilled with Craig at Illumination Supply. Every seller should be like him.

P.S. Craig, don't worry. I'm sending the original back first thing Wednesday morning :)

Is the bezel pressed fitted on or screwed on? Can’t tell by the pics.

It's screwed on

Screwed on.


maybe craig would let it go for a discount??? :bigsmile:

I started a thread on CPF with an EA4 tint comparison if you might be interested. EA4 Cool White - Neutral White Comparison Beam Shots -- New Pics Added on 1-11-13 | Candle Power Flashlight Forum


Excellent shots!

+1 I agree on the CW Glenn. :wink:

Rick, I saw you on an unnamed forum lol! I promise I won't say a word!

Thanks Glenn, but I posted under you… :bigsmile: :smiley:

I shall have to have a scratch and dent sale soon. :smiley:


well keep me in mind for that ea4 when you do :bigsmile:
this broke flashaholic needs one lol