Shadow SC600 vs UF-T50 -- Winners Announced -- The Lights Are Done!!!!!!!

T50 all the way. Based on my experience Zebralights can be finicky.

The Zebralight! :smiley:

Thanks for the pic idenial!

Iffy fruitful treat

(Ultrafire UF-T-Fifty) ;)

Zebralight SC600

My guess is the SC600…

Tough call.

Actually you should be comparing two UF-T50s to one SC600 (about the same price)..

But, being an avid supporter of budget lights, I still have to say that UF-T50 will win.

Great innovative giveaway, everyone wins (having fun & added knowledge)! Thanks for arranging this!

i say its a tie, but iono the sc600 seems tougher built. we shall see

Normally I’m with the underdog, but I think the Zebralight will win this competition.

I’m pretty sure both lights will be doing fine and both are tougher than they may look, you will need a big amount of torture to bring’em down.

Zebralight SC600

I can see nothing but grief for OL - neither will fare particularly well, but the SC600 should get past the snow test, so I’ll go with that.

I guess the zebra light sc600 will win.

I going for the Ultrafire

i’ll take the sc600

Yep, just for heat. No over voltage as that would most definitely kill them.

The zebralight for sure

I’ll say uf-t50, this is a great idea. I can’t wait for the results, the boiling is going to be interesting.

UF T50 for me

I`m in… I`ll go with the Ultrafire UF-T50

The Zebralight SC600 will prevail!