Feeler: 16mm copper sinkpads

Here is how I see it. Between BLF + CPF there is a Waiting Demand for 2-3000 16mm Copper Stars. The first manufacture will sell a lot fast. Sink PAD is waiting for a Sucker to pay for Setup + Tooling costs. Then they will crank out 2-3ooo units + Rake in the Big Bucks. If they wait to long and someone else comes out first they will lose a lot of sales. I say we wait, Time is on our side.

Plan B I think we should look for other Manufactures. I think a BLF Member ? has a Design ready to go. A Ready Design should cut Setup Costs. More than one manufacture will reduce Cost also.

Can anyone find out where led-tech.de gets their copper boards?

what do you mean with that ? there is another kind of board ready for only 3$?

i can grind/file a 20mm star to 16mm in less than 5 minutes. i don’t want to, but can be done. i’ll wait.

No it’s just a thicker board, so if we want a thicker board it will be around $3 each and that is true once we pay for the tools they will make there’s and resell like they did on the 20mm stars

But ill keep this open for interest ect.

i see,i will be interested for 5 pieces but its true the cost for the tools will be huge for plp you want just few of them.

from that quote, it looks like $2.61 per star would cover all charges when buying 690 of them. someone could charge $3 a board and make a cool $270 it looks like

dont know what the e test charge and nre charge is though…

e-test is for over 3000pcs

I read it as 690 pcs, ~$2.25-2.36/pc

oh, i had added the e test and nre charges to the price too.

so at $3 a board, thats a $441+ profit… hint hint to anyone with the overhead to just buy a lot of them up front and resell. i know people will pay $3+s a board for these
edit: i know thats not a huge profit margin for the initial cost, but it would be a fast turn over i bet :money_mouth_face:

I think nre should be included?

I’ll be talking with them more this week so that I can understand how pricing will change for different configurations.

They’ll custom make XR-E. They already make MT-G2 but not on copper.

I’d be in for some of these :slight_smile:

Interesting, I'd have no problem investing, just the shipping and packaging issues - I'm not setup with any eBay store, or USPS shipping account. Probably could even start with a 1,000 and maybe negotiate a little better deal and could offer them for about $2.50 to BLF/CPF w/qty discounts, something like that. Hhhhhmmmmm (rubbing my beard) .

I would not step on anyone's toes here - just an idea. Obviously nitro has 1st dibs, and only by his permission would I even consider it!!

I see no reason to let ebay get a cut - they’re main purpose is to help you find buyers, and there are plenty of those right here, and using paypal is basically zero risk for buyers.

FYI, empty film canisters run about the same cost/pc as bubble mailing envelopes.

Just my opinion, but it seems that we are long overdue and in great need of a source for these. $3 per board seems more than reasonable, and Id want at least 10, maybe 20. I have a feeling that if someone doesnt kick off this sale, it might not happen for a very long time or possibly not at all. The thin Chinese copper stars are to thin to adequately distribute heat to the edges of the board, and also to thin for proper emitter to reflector clearances.

I would also be in for 10 or 20, possibly more depending on whats happening with xml2’s

I know someone who knows someone… might be a starter. Here is another angle: how many C8 type lights would a company like the OEM of Ultrafire torches sell in a month?

I’d be in for 10 XML or XPG 16mm or both lol

They are not interested in paying extra for stuff, they would likely rather go with copper boards that have the dielectric if they go copper at all, the end user can’t visually tell the difference without testing equipment.

Has anyone tried to get ledtech to sell us boards only? I know they dont respond to emails ( in english anyway) but perhaps we could have one of the German speaking members of the forum contact them by phone.