US - Defiant ArmorMax 3D Tactical Flashlight - 3D XML light $29.97 - GET BACK TO HD NOW!!!!

mine too! im going in about 4 hours after work

if i could get my hands on a P bin sst-90 that would be ideal for this… i already have 4x c nimh i use in my vpt3 so i will test to see if they fit with minor modification

To me the 3C still outdoes the 3D on all counts. I would be leery of ‘handheld’ beamshots telling the whole story. No offence meant to anyone here doing so but IMO if you’re really going to compare light output, spill, throw, etc., the lights should be fixed and pointed exactly the same onto something immovable like a tripod or what have you. Hotspots for example at those distances just need a tiny bit of variance to throw perceptions off on how things are lit up. Much less spill and flood. IOW I wouldn’t jump to conclusions just quite yet.

The 3C’s larger reflector when all’s said and done still makes the difference. JMO.

>>>>>To me the 3C still outdoes the 3D on all counts.

Ditto. Tried it last night. Might be my new glass lens in my 3c, but my 3c leaves the 3D in the dust for throwing. Just no comparison.

Maglite is missing out on a huge market. It’s infuriating that the American company won’t put out an 8xAA/2D or 12xAA/3D-size XM-L light with a 3” turbohead. Throw in a white diffusing lens with their anti-roll bumper, and they would have no excuse for including the now-obsolete cam-action focus system.

As for this light…I’ll have to wait and see if I’ll pick it up over the 3C.

Obviously the 3D is going to have a longer runtime just by shear battery horsepower and one could also think that its ‘brightness’ will last longer at x-mount intensity than the 3C hence individual differences in performance at any given moment. But that’s why we also mess around with lithiums more than alkalines here. lol

But like Ubehebe said no comparison really.

Will parts interchange? Maybe a 3C head with 3D body?

ID of the 3D tube?

I always thought the q bin was top dog in the SST-90 world. Hey, just do a MT-G2 build and make us all happy…

heads wont interchange, different threads and diameter. Tried last night when i got home with mine. :frowning:

Agreed, so take some fixed shots for us, please.Wink

Wow, this looks great! So whats the consensus, is it a better thrower than the 3C?

Anyone able to do some light output measurements?

I’m sure someone here like an Rdfronty can do that well enough though.

Thanks for the pics O-L.

I have to admit, I wasn’t tempted by the 3C - but this one is VERY tempting to buy and hot rod.

But I won’t, for now, due to size.

In the mean time, even though you’ll all think I’m nuts, I will pray that they make a 3xD zoomie w/ 60mm lens of similar quality :bigsmile:

>>>>Anyone able to do some light output measurements?

Hopefully someone with a light-measuring sphere (or bathroom) will post actual lumen output, but my 3C moirders the 3D in throw, even on a white wall (and tested outside last night). I don’t have the equipment for a real lumen readout. For my eyeball test, 3D had the brand-new defiant batteries with maybe 3 minutes of run time on them; 3C was with only one 18650 (with the spacer mod), a fully charged fasttech unprotected Samsung 2600 pink.

The 18650 spacer mod for the 3C is really simple to do and totally worth it. Lightens up the weight considerably and no more throwaway alkalines! (You can also just screw a 26650 on to the 3C head with the BLF A8 battery tube.)

Haven’t tried anything with the 3D tube yet, but it’s cavernous!

having some trouble hunting down a ucl for this :frowning:

i haven’t found anything yet either. maybe we should ask phil from ebay???

Thanks! Kinda glad it does not! :slight_smile:

ID of the 3D tube?

Sure hope WWEFANS will get back from holiday to his PMs - I wanna inexpensive A8 body!

i sent him a message

ID of the 3D tube? I have not measured, but I can tell you it's the same (within a couple thou), as a Maglite D tube. A maglite switch fits in just like it would fit in a Maglite, with a hint of drag. A Maglite ID is like 34.15mm, if that helps.

Picked mine up!

Fall resistant to 9m!

Because fully loaded with 3D and the rubber caps

Just a few grams short of the BTU Shocker