I was hoping to start a new thread so that we could migrate away from garrys 500 post thread for the defiant here
There were several people who joined the defiant thrower bandwagon who asked a number of questions that were already answered that didn’t feel like navigating through 500 posts to find the answers.
I will ATTEMPT to do my best and update this thread on a daily or semi-daily basis with pertinent information. I am going to purchase one or two of these online right now and pick them up at my store this week.
The ArmorMax flashlight line from Defiant is built to the strictest standard. Powered by premium LEDs, ArmorMax lights are among the brightest and most efficient on the market. Drop-tested from 30 feet and waterproof up to at least one meter, these lights are capable of withstanding even the most demanding work conditions. The ergonomically designed aluminum body is also surprisingly lightweight, making everyday tasks that much easier.
Premium Grade LED
Highly durable aluminum construction
Rubberized caps allow flashlight to be nearly unbreakable
Waterproof up to 1 meter
MFG Model # : 809-3731-D
MFG Part # : 809-3731-D
My HD had a pack of 12 on display in the standard flashlight section. It appeared I was the first to pick one up and couldn’t believe the weight of this thing. I was going there to purchase one of these, but I figured if I was going to carry a large light this heavy and 2-1/2” longer than a standard 3-D light, I’d pick one of my other lights I have.
IMHO, if you want a super powerful and light weight flashlight, pick up a Skyray 9x T6 or the AK-47 with 3 x 26650’s. Much easier to handle.
However, I did purchase the new Defiant ArmorMax 3C. It has a larger battery tube than the Defiant Super Thrower but seemed to only have a XP-E being pushed to 250 lumens. I want to see if it’s a good modding host for something more powerful.
Well, I got mine today, on the way to work. I'm at work now, so no photos. I will add photos and beam shots when I get home after Midnight. I have the Defiant Super thrower also, so I will do some comparison shots of the two.
First impressions are the weight. Too heavy for practical carry. Great for bashing heads in. I am sure you could kill someone with this light, especially if you leave off the rubber caps. It's like carrying a big hammer, but I would not want to lug this thing around anywhere.
This is one of those "pipe fitting" lights that China is so famous for. It looks like a pipe fitting end cap, attached to a lead pipe and a pipe fitting adaptor up to the head. Not appealing at all.
Fit and finish is good. These Defiant lights are made well for the price and I like the shiny finish. It still looks like ano to me, with clearcoat over top, but what do I know?
I cannot give you the dimensions here at work. The lens and reflecrtor appear to be plastic again and about the same diameter as the 3C Thrower. It is a shallow reflector, but due to it's large diameter, it still puts out a very bright spot, but seems to have more spill. It's not dark yet, so all I can do is use it against the guard house wall. Compared to the Defiant Thrower, the spot is about half again as large and the spill is brighter. It has three modes, H/M/Fast Strobe, so it has a driver of some sorts. I have not taken it apart yet.
Did I say this thing is heavy?
I will put up some photos after midnight. I'm sure others will put some up too. If I do anything with this light, it will be to cut it down to a "1D" style and run it with 4AA Eneloops.
Oh, these Defiant lights are made for Brinkman, or at least Brinkman is the US handler of them.
I'm heading home from work now, I'll try to post a few pics and dimensions within the next 2 hours. O-L, concerning heft: You should get in good shape carrying this beast around. You can do curls while you're walking the beat...
It should be in every tank and armored personnel carrier in case one ran out of ammo. lol
Loaded with 3D’s if you’re a security guard this thing at minimum requires you able to bench press 300 lbs. Oh and you better have big hands too with the ability to grip a large pipe once you assume a standing position regardless of how sore your knuckles are from draggin them on the pavement.
Other than that, I can see this getting modded to run off of 1x18650 or 1 x32650. I think the 3C Super Thrower is still superior especially with a side clicky.
My local HD showed 6 units “in stock”… When I got there, they were unable to locate any units. They told me that they would try to find them and give me call. Bunch of BS. What if I ordered online and chose to pick up at store?. Things like this really piss me off!!
Reflector is plastic, 60mm wide (od) x 44mm deep
Lens is plastic, 61/5mm wide
LED star is 20mm wide
Aluminum screw in pill, looks to be pretty good heatsink
Overall length: 12-5/8 inches
It's a 3 speed: High, Medium, Strobe. All tail - reverse clicky. As suspected, it's slightly brighter than the 3C, but hotspot not as tight and intense.
L-R: Small Sun ZY-T08, Defiant 3C, Defiant 3D, Maglite 2D, Solarforce M8, Mini Maglite Pro
God another Defiant light? How many of these am I going to end up owning? The 550 lumens Christmas one was cool, had to grab it at $20. The 3C Super Thrower was also cool and even though I didn't need it, well I bought one anyways. Now I'm going to end up getting this for what reason I do not know, other than compulsion of course... Really just wish they weren't available at HD, I wish they were only sold at some random store that does not exist in my area, would make life so much easier.
They are probably in the "no home" section. It's a smaller display box, since there's only six lights in it. About 24x24x24 box.
I gave the guy in my store the number and he found it in the "no home" area. In my store it's in the tool section, on upper shelving, but it may be anywhere in other stores.
The title says it all, it weighs two pounds, four ounces with batteries.
The other posters aren’t blowing smoke, this thing is heavy and big. I bought it mainly as a curiosity because of the weight. Plus, I’m hoping there will be some great mod ideas. But at this weight and size, this behemoth will stay on the shelf 99.9% of the time. Unless, like others said, I need to use a light AND crack ice blocks in half or bash heads or drive in BIG nails. Or maybe some long-lost uncle leaves me a truck full of D batteries in his will.
Still light here in windy SoCal, but it appears floodier than the HD sooper thrower while hunting white walls. It sure is heavier. That’s for sure.
Also, they couldn’t find it, just like the other HD torches. Took ’em a half hour. Plus, I was all excited and got it home; threw the batteries in and and and ……… COMPLETELY DOA.
Fortunately, BLF has taught me well. Paper clip showed me that it works fine without the switch and tailcap. DMM showed me that the switch worked fine, with the tailcape off the light. Disassembly was fairly straightforward, and so was the problem. Switch contact was not in the spring correctly so when pressure was applied, it lost contact. Put it back together. STILL NOTHING! GRRRRR.
More fiddling and use of certain phrases and words that are not allowed to be printed in a family forum.
This problem was not so easily trouble-shooted. It appeared that the VERY tight-fitting end cap caused the O rings to roll out of place and block the contact (even with a liberal goop of nyogel). Will investigate more thoroughly when I have more time. In any case, WITH end-cap o rings = no work. WITHOUT o rings = work.
Summary: Seems like a well-made light and brightness is okay, but it is way too big and heavy for anything but emergency use (or using it to demo a concrete patio).