New Build. Yep, its a useless pedal light. mfpmax has suggested a self defense light.

I'll pay that one. No TRX though. How was the trip?

its a pedal, but if that’s right, how can you make just one?!

Someone wanted to include there sweety in the flashlight hobby

Do you want to know so that you may pedal something? Unless its pain killers I'm not interested in your pedaling. You guys are to smart for me. I reckon a donation will have to go somewhere. Any thoughts, keeping in mind the wife does not make that much money. She working three jobs I should be loaded. (If you think I'm a p___k for talking like this we have been going out with each other since 1980 and the girl I married gives it back better than I give it to her). If she worked another two jobs I would be able to retire.

My trip starts soon. I’m hoping my Terminator gets here first.

You should write up your trip, most guys here would be impressed.
Any pics of wild/amazing/interesting/kooky machines ?
Was it dry ?

Yep your right. I will get onto it. The terminator is one orsm light. Drop in and show me what I'm missing out on, please, beg, grovel.

OK. Got to drop an HD2010 out to Warby.
Should I bring the TN31 too ?

Bring them all. I don't have any top end lights. The drinks are being chilled as we speak.

OK. Will PM you later.

Keep pedalling !

That 20mm housing fits perfectly in that pedal! I think it has potential for some serious awesomeness. Looks very art deco/steam punk in that pic. 8)

Cool Image MRsDNF! Did you mount a light in your die holder handle??? Ha!

Can't wait to see what it is!!


EDIT.... I sure like the wear marks on that metal. You cannot mfg character like that!

That’s what I thought it was too… But all this talk about a bike pedal has me confused…
A bike pedal would only have one arm coming off…

She already is but spends the extra cash on her PTL.

You guys are quick. I just woke up and identified the optic and puzzle solved before I finish my jo.

I’d never find the low mode, going backwards and stopping all the time.

Don’t let my 5 year old see it, you’d never get it back!

high powered foot warmer and “please don’t hit me at a junction” light?

If what I read about what it is is correct, then no it won’t be. Because it would illuminate out the side(well if it’s floody enough the road) and would be very useful. Highlighting the area around the biker so that people in cars can better see them.

More pictures added to the first post. We also have a winner. If they would like to announce themselves they can otherwise they will remain anonymous.

I think I guessed first. Yay. After seeing more pictures, it really is a cool light. Looks like something a gladiator would use in the arena, cestes like.

That is an interesting light fo sho. If it was “able” to be mounted on the bike like that it’d be great for trail riding too. Far from useless in that way since it can also be used as a self defense light LOL. That would hurt like a mofo.

looking at it from another angle, yes you would be right. I will rename it.