Emitter Test Results pt4: XML2, XP-E2, XP-G2, and Nichia219! (along with sinkpad tests)

Thanks for the graphs! Sad to hear that you will retire.. and that there is no Nichia on copper test. ;)

Anyways, thank you. :)

Great work Match! Look at that XP-G2 go! Those are XM-L T6 numbers on a much smaller die. Explains the TN31mb throw results a bit.

That test helps make sense of the TN31mb. I’ve tested mine at 741otf at 30sec. I just wondered how in the crap in Saabluster do that. But now I can see a XP-g2 on copper can get those type of numbers. I wonder how much difference the dedome made on its output? Likely not much I would guess since it still has 741 lumens.
Anyway, thanks Match for the very informative tests. Awesome work!

Measured at the tail, my X7 driver pulls 4.59A from 3 x 18650 cells, so the emitter probably sees around 4A. Id like more throw so Im thinking about swapping the SST-50 for a dedomed XPG2 or XML2 on sinkpad. 4A would be pushing it for the XPG2 and Im not sure it would survive. The TN31 MB puts out a beam like a laser on dedomed XPG2 and Id like to have something similar. I have no idea how the X7 reflector would focus an XPG2/dedomed.

XPG2 - 925 lumens before dedoming. After?… Im not sure. Maybe 600?
XML2 - 1390 lumens

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Match, thanks for all the data and your hard work. The new possibilities are almost endless!

Match thank you very much for the testing & results. They are very usefull, appreciate it!!

Match, your nichia numbers reflect what I've seen on mine. I have a nichia 219 in a tr-801 with a driver that lets an xm-l pull 3A. With a nichia it pulls only 1.65A which coincides with your findings.

Again match your work is invaluable. Thanks for the huge effort doing this for us. My only concern though is that no one will build a light like we have before. I'm doing a mod on a particular flashlight at the moment that I thought was all planned out. XM-L2 on a copper star on a beefy copper pill in a large ally housing running a 5 amp buck boost driver. Do I now have to get a 9 amp driver to run the XM-L2 at its peak? Bugger, it never ends. Cheers and thanks again.

PS. Maybe I could use the 5 amp driver on a killer XP-G2 build?

wow… great data … very impressive results from the xpg2! it just about beats an xml when mounted on copper!

These types of post are one of the reasons I check forums. Provides such a wealth of information! You’ve inspired me to build an integrating sphere once I find the time.

1 for nichia on copper sinkpad Vf if possible!

Thanks a lot for all of your work for this forum and it members Match. Your contributions stand second to none and are head and shoulders above anything I've managed to put forward.

TY :-)

If the equipment is getting retired - will it be for sale?! :party:

Match, a huge thanks to you for doing all this testing!

thanks for all the awesome data Match and I’ll join the others in sadness that you’ll be hanging up your Fluke and integrating sphere :frowning:

Is there Vf vs. current graph for xm-l2 on sinkpad?

A friend just pointed this out to me: Lightmall are now using these graphs on their XM-L2 product page and claiming “1770 lumens” on some of their XM-L2 torches.

They prove they can't understand the CREE datasheets too much, "maximum driver current 6200mA". They neither specify the bin of the XM-L2, they don't understand that either.

Actually there are many stores that simply copy the other store and I am sure they don't even understand what they sell, but since it's popular on the forums they got to sell it.

since they don’t point out theirs is not a sinkpad (or even mentioning the word sinkpad or massive amounts of heatsinking), i can imagine some non forum person thinking they can buy this and put 6200mA into it then seeing the puff of smoke or potential fire

I hope Match was compensated appropriately.

Anyone know where to find a Vf plot of XML? Want to compare it to XM-L2 - can't seem to find it - these test results are scattered all over the place.

Update: This XML test result was from 2011, before he did Vf's: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/2346, so not sure if XML's were re-tested.

If this is where the journey comes to a halt your contributions will still remain the yardstick of greatness.

Thank you for all your work and I hope you still find some amusement in the hobby.