CLOSED - Giveaway - TWO Cut Down Mini-Mags. - We Have Winners!

Great (as usual) giveaway OL…. I”M IN !!!

Please count me in. Thank you O-L

I’m in. I was wondering when you were going to cut one down to 1x AA size. Did you use your new threader on it?

Count me in too, Old-Lumens.
I have a 14500 sitting right here.

Man thats a super sweet light!!!


Count me in! Thanks for another one Justin!

Really Cool, I’m in! Great mod O-L!

In, please. And thanks!

Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm in!

I am in. Thanks

thanks for doing this!

please i am in!

Love It! … Count Me In

Count me in

In for the win. Thanks!

At the risk of messing up this giveaway thread, I will try to answer a little about this cut down.

JohnnyMac is the cut down go to guy here, when it comes to Mini-Mags. He has perfected it.

I did buy one of the taps for tapping the threads. I did not however buy a drill as I am cheap and besides, what fun is it using a drill for a tap hole? I cut 50mm off the end of the body, with my tubing cutter. I measured the original depth of the threaded end of the body and went down the same depth. I opened it up with an small end mill bit using the bit in the drill press and turning the body around against the bit, to open the inside. I did that slowly and in several small steps, so I could get "about" the right ID for the tap. Then I cut the step on the very end, where the tail cap seal goes, with my 115 Dremel bit, in the drill press. After that, I tapped the hole for the threads. It was that simple, LOL.

I do not plan to do many of these 1AA lights. I just wanted to see if I could and thought the giveaway was the best way to go, since JohnnyMac does a great job on them already... Of course, I have thought of doing one using a couple watch batteries, so that the whole light is no longer than the head plus a couple mm to be able to grab at the tail.

Nice, count me in :slight_smile:

nice give away, count me in please :slight_smile:

Count me in Justin and congrats on selling your 3 triple Nichia mags! :slight_smile:

In please! Thanks!

I'm really broke this week but I will offer $15.00 for this OL one of light. Thanks for giving me the chance to bid. Cheers.