CLOSED - Giveaway - TWO Cut Down Mini-Mags. - We Have Winners!

I’m in. Thanks.

I’m so curious with nichia.

I’m in, thanks!

Thank you, count me in!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Beautiful, count me in, thanks.

I’m in, thanks!

i’m in.
thank you Old-Lumens!!

A mini-mini mag! Great…

Count me in

Thanks this is great ! I’m in!

Please and thank you!!

Cool, count me in :slight_smile:

Count me in, is this your first 1aa cutdown?This looks very cool…thanks!-Rick

Cheers OL, another great give away.

im in! thanks justin

Count me in, thanks!

I’m in! Very nice build. Thanks O-L!

O-L. i’m in. :smiley:

nice i’m in. :smiley:

Count me in! Sweet little mag.

count me in, please. thanks.