2222 Post Giveaway... Now closed: we have a winner!

Crap looks niiice! First post :smiley:

Me too !
I’d like to see more rockets though Tex !

I also like crap

for crap? Always!!! I want it :slight_smile:

ahh, the detector found something (a little crap) :D

I'm in..

I’m in the crap!
Or something

i’m the crap! or i’m in? what was it?

I like crap. Now I might have a meter more accurate then my current one. :)

In for crap toy.

I love crap!
Thanks for opportunity.

Flying witch’s head (with straw broom stabilization):

Tossing some geometry around:

:cowboy_hat_face: I like crap

Nice and useful giveaway!!
Congratulations for your thousands of posts :slight_smile:

Crap is King! I’m in.

I like that crap. Count me in please!

I like crap, thank for this giveaway!

I like crap!

Thanx for the giveaway


I am in thanks.

Thank you for the giveaway! I have a Vivienne Westwood bag that says that too (not this one)!