Anybody Into Photography?

Natural mistake! :bigsmile:

I dabble in both video and still cameras, though I’ve never had the money for something nice. I still have a Canon Rebel G that I shoot 35mm from time to time, when someone gives me an odd roll. I have the negs developed and then I scan them and work photoshop magic with them. I have a Canon GL1, that I use to shoot movies for friends and family, and then edit them and put music to them. Right now I use my tiny point and shoot Sony DCS-W330 to do youtube reviews and take shots of stuff. I think I paid $30 for the camera on clearance.

I actually went to college for film and video production and took some advanced black and white photography classes in art school, right when digital was in it’s consumer infancy (around 2000 or so). So while I’ve never had much in the way of great gear, I fully understand photography and videography, and work with better gear when I do video recording and editing for corporate clients and shoot the occasional wedding video on a Canon 5D for a company I freelance with.

Also am I the only one who picks up old polaroids at thift stores in the slim chance you find some usable film in one?

Anyway I have a flick account with a ton of stuff on it.

Anyone else have a Flickr account?

You mean a Canon 5D MkII. The original 5D didn’t shoot video very well :wink:

30 years ago I sold cameras. I still have a Nikkormat FTn made in 1969 and in better than stock condition. It was rebuilt by a guy who made precision lab instruments for a living. It's not had film in it since my brother's wedding 8-9 years ago. Getting film processed is now horribly expensive here.

And a 1979 Nikon F2s - that thing is nearly indestructible - it has fallen out of an aircraft, been dropped off the back of a motorcycle at 75mph and all sorts of other mishaps - it could hardly be said to be pristine now. Though it was when I got it. Again it hasn't had film in it in years. The optics still see use on my Nikon D5000 though are totally manual on that and I have the bad habit of forgetting to focus on occasions. In the loft I have a Leica IIIc made in 1932, a couple of Minoxes and a few Minolta 16mm cameras that I got for next to nothing because I liked them rather than devices I ever intended to use. And probably other cameras too.

Not that I take so many pictures these days.

Am I the only one here who never shot film? :frowning:
(perhaps it has something to do with being born after invention of first DSLR)

But uhm… Nikon D5100 here.
For lenses - 50mm f/1.8 is the one I use and love the most, 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 VR is what I use only when I require wide angle, and 55-200mm f/4-4.5 VR for when I need that long reach.
But the 18-55 and 55-200 combined get much less use than 50mm f/1.8. For some reason…

i have a nikon d300 (and a d1H), with lots of lenses from 8mm fisheye to 400mm tele.
haven’t used it much last year, due to lack of motivation.
i started out digital (D50 -> D80 -> D300) so i haven’t shot film.

i also have a 55/2,8 micro-nikkor, it’s a nice lens!

i’m thinking about buying a mirrorless camera with a pancake lens, and start taking “social snapshots” again. i’ve been looking for a panasonic gf3 with the 14/2,5 pancake, since they can be had for quite cheap.

Get Nikon mirrorless, for example the J3. They are the only ones that have great autofocus, and lens selection is nice too :stuck_out_tongue:

I bought a new d3200 a week ago. Before that I used a d50. I really was going to get a Canon t4i this time but couldn’t justify the extra cost for the touch screen and video focus advantage of the STM lenses. Not only that but the 3200 is an awesome. Next purchase will be most likely a 50mm lens.

Nah, I’d like a bigger sensor, or at least a faster pancake lens. I have been looking at the J1 + 10/2,8 since they were on sale, but I’d like a bigger sensor and more lenses. Actually I’d like either a Samsung with their 30/2 pancake lens, or a Panasonic 20/1,7 pancake lens with a small body. But both lenses seem to be a bit pricier than I’m willing to pay now. So a panasonic gf3 + 14/2,5 seem to be the smallest package with best value here in Sweden right now.

You are correct Mr. Smarty Pants.

I don’t know what you will use the 50 mm for, but take a look at the 35/1,8 as well if you want something for indoors available light pictures. The 50 mm indoors is too long for me at least. For smaller concerts 50mm is very useful though. they’re priced same :stuck_out_tongue:
(oh and )

50mm f/1.8G Nikkor has great optics quality and overall is better than 35mm, but 35mm is more practical and usable. I think you should either get both, or really think about which one you want. :wink:

While I’ve seen quite a few very nice images taken with Nikon cameras, I prefer the tonalities and UI of Canon. From my old AE-1 to my full frame 5DMkII and 1DsMkII the images they produce are amazing! And the “little” G1X is pretty awesome in it’s own right, albeit with some quirks.

The live view on my 5DMkII is great for macro work, getting images like this one of the Cree MT-G2 in the new Solarforce S2200:

There’s a reason why Nikons, and not Canons, are being used on International Space Station… :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s called lowest bidder.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Nikon don’t charge them at all.
I always wondered if Hasselblad charged NASA, and I see the only mention of a purchase here is Wally Schirra’s camera…

Photography is my primary hobby. I use gear from Fuji, Nikon and Pentax - analog and digital!
If you’re interested have a look at
Have fun! :slight_smile:

Ha ha! Don, I’ve done that too :bigsmile:
Sometimes I forget that I’ve got an old, manual-focus lens mounted and I’ll just blast away thinking the camera will do its thing.

No. I had to Google the model too! I have used my mother’s cameras but my photography drastically improved when I got my first digital camera (just a consumer level Nikon P&S). I could focus on composition and lighting due to being able to see the results nearly straight away (tiny LCD or uploading to PC).

Hey, I’d appreciate you not using my real name in a public forum :smiley: :wink: :beer: