New High Lumen Claim - 3800 Lumens!

Hmm if this really gives 3 amps to each XML I'd be all over it

If it doesn't explode, I'll get one too.

Definitely get IMR's for these, or at least name brand protected. 4A draw on a multicell setup is no joke.

These new lights are coming out pretty fast now. The next new hot thing keeps coming out and I am having a hard time pulling the trigger because I want to see what pops up next. No problem with $13 lights buy at $50 a pop, you could drop a lot chasing the next big thing. Off to do some IMR research. I know brted had a thread on some budget ones.

Hmm my sanyo 2600 could handle these but I got a new load of IMRs from Home depot I could use. Maybe they will come out with 5 or even 7 xml version

Whoooeee! At least the explosion would probably produce 3800 lumens... :~

There is my problem I have been holding out for a three XML ever since I saw Match's triple mag mod so I think this one will see its way home to me. I have to check out the battery situation first.


That is the kind of light you want to give to a friend who you do not like~

If that thing really pulls 3A per emitter, I'm thinking that is the kind of thing that will lead to govt regulation after the first few accidents, scalded hands, incidents of temporary blindness, etc.

I've been planning to build my own 5x XM-L for my WF-500 body (identical to this light's body), but I was waiting until the fall so that the days would be shorter, and also hoping that someone would start selling one, to save me the effort. This 3x XM-L might run a tad hotter than my planned 5x XM-L (similar total output, lower LED current), but at least it's more-or-less guaranteed to work, so I think I'll get one, but still not until the fall.

It's also cheaper than the parts would have been for my 5x XM-L.

So... who's going to buy one and post a review? :)

The beamshots on the Manafont website aren't very useful. I want to see the beam at distances of 2 m through 100 m and beyond; preferably compared to a 5x XR-E. I could do those comparison beamshots, because my WF-500 has the 5x XR-E module in it, but not til the fall. :)

Like others, I want to know details about the driver too. It'll be disappointing if this light doesn't drive the LEDs at least close to 2 A.

JohnnyMac: nice name. :)

Multiples of 3: a 5x or 7x XM-L is only practical if the LEDs are driven at around 1.2 A or lower (which is what I had planned to do), but adding more LEDs won't increase the output except for short bursts, because I think the limiting factors in this light are going to be the heat dissipation and the battery capacity/safety.

I can't wait to see the teardown on this badboy. Just hopefully the teardown is done purposefully and not sudden and execpetedly..

Oh, a question for anyone who buys this light: how is the spacing between modes? Because for my planned 5x XM-L, with the 800 mA driver "overclocked" to 1.2 A or so, I would have had a pretty bright Low mode. If the driver in this light is designed properly, the low mode will be more useful.

Also is it just me, or is it backwards to design these high-output lights with the modes starting at High? I'd much rather have my high-output lights start at Low, because Low is going to be enough for many situations, and you don't want to temporarily blind everyone for a couple of seconds as you navigate down to Low. When I lend my WF-500 to someone indoors, I have to put my hand over the front of the light while I set it to Low, before I hand it over.

I understand the idea for having low modes, but doesn't the spirit behind having a 5 x XML conflict with using low lumens modes? Don't you have a smaller, more sane (heheheh) flashlight for that? If it were me, I'd just want a single "blow your head off" mode and I'd paint flames on it.

Ha, yeah, good point. But this Sky Ray might actually become my EDC if the low mode is low enough. My WF-500 is one of my two EDCs right now, the other being a Fenix LD01 (more sensible), but on those occasions where I pull out the big gun, I don't want to have to put it away when we go into a restaurant or something. If I could click it down to say 30 lm, then I could hand it to someone for reading a menu or something. And then if a cockroach scurries across the table, I'll click the light back to High. :)

Another use case: taking the dogs out in the yard at night. I like to have a high High, so I can see skunks, etc., but I also want a fairly low Low, so as not to blind the puppies after I've determined that the coast is clear.

Changing the subject momentarily: does anyone know what effect a super-bright light, or a laser, would have on a spider? I find spiders on the house every night when I take the dogs out. I've tried pointing my WF-500 at them, with no apparent effect. I even tried a 5 mW laser pointer once, also with no effect. I expected the spider to at least run away from the laser pointer beam, but no.

..its a flashlight and a bomb

to bad about the flashy modes , would love to see the specs and beam shots

wonder how this stands up VS. TrustFire X8

the body on the X8 seems to be more geared twards heat dissipation

No ****, hey even if its not #$#@ bright, its gonna be bright and really efficient (lower curret to each XM-L). Size seems to be good, helps in heatsinking. Can you imagine only how much current is needed for 1000L from the 3 emitters?

You get a 65W Ebay HID if you want super lots of lumens/wall of light with decent hotspot (and they are focusable), not these. @ 101usd with 6600mAH batteries that last 70-80 mins on high (I tested like > 20 times already, full batt to cut off) they are hard to beat. And they can sustain full batt -> cutoff in a single run without thermal or "explosive" issues. Replacement batteries are cheap at just 40 bucks SHIPPED, they have a 7800mAH version even, ballast are cheap......etc. Yes you heard me right, i have used many times, did like 20 cycles test runs, no explosions during running or charging.

Pls don't be bothered with the specs. We know what a 2x18650, 225mm long, 56mm dia bezel light can do, soak up and spread the heat....and only priced at 52 bucks.

Totally agree with that. I'd use this flashlight only with "High quality" batteries... Unless they are underdriven to avoid heat.

There is something strange... 1 XML=1000 Lumen (as advertised on other flashlight) 3 XML=3800 Lumen...

I doubt it'll be much of a thrower - though when you put out that sort of light, who needs throw?

If you see my beamshots of the Romisen RC-T5 and RC-T6 that's what I'd expect, just quite a bit brighter - the RC-T6 is around the 700 lumen mark, the T5 around 450. This one should be pushing 2000, maybe more.

Thanks Don. I'm not a big fan of purely throwy lights, so that's a positive to me. I see you have a stock WF-500. The WF-500 with the 5x XR-E module has a very similar beam shape, but a little brighter. For walking on long, straight paths at night, this light does the trick. You can see pretty far into the distance. But most of the time I'd rather have a moderately wide flood, with so much output that it achieves decent throw too.

With the purely throwy lights, if you're worried about bears to the left and right, you need to keep painting the beam all over the place. I'll use the 3x XM-L for those kinds of walks, and the 5x XR-E for the long straight paths where bears don't go. :)

What have I done!? I just ordered this ..............

For XM-Ls on a ~ 25mm reflector to really throw, you'd need brute force with crazy numbers of them, something like the 30pcs custom one on a Thor X Colossus host in CPF's HIDs and Spotlights section. :) (but then the spill will spoil your night adapted vision, and for those in temperate countries definitely not useful in the snow). Seriously its not too bad, like duct taping 3 P60 hosts with XM-L together. Its actually a wee bit smaller than the Catapult V3.

I've ordered one, there is a very high chance this can out throw the UF-980L but still be slightly below a Catapult V3, but the wall of light in a small package would be fun (slots in below my Ebay HIDs). I'll definitely not be able to bring myself to order one from Jetbeam/Thrunite/Olight at the pace LEDs are moving.

One day some company like Ultrafire/Trustfire will come out with a 5 XM-L with 3 18650s or 4 18650 in a holder and price it at $100. :)

Wow....SGD to USD is at all time low again.