A womans definition of cleaning...throw it away

yes, I’ve often felt the urge to kill after coming home to find a “cleaning session” has happened

I must’ve had that problem. I threw her out, and now I don’t have a cleaning problem.

I definitely have

To be fair, it probably does balance you out from being a hoarder, to have someone else come in a throw stuff out once in a while.


My partner is like this, always throwing things out.

My wife doesn't do this ..(She's been trained ...(warned) )

My sister does ..

But I've seen other women indiscriminantly tossing stuff ..I just made the assumption it was from them doing so many dishes ....if it doesn't fit in the garbage disposal than it goes in the trash .

I'm not a hoarder !!!!

someday someone might need tines for a rake .


How does one get “A womans definition of cleaning…throw it away” ?

3 easy steps!

1. Some people’s definition of cleaning…throw it away.
2. Guys, on average, seem less concerned about the neatness or appearance of their home. As such, between them and their wife (, girlfriend, mother) the later tends to spend more time cleaning.
3. 1+2= “A womans definition of cleaning…throw it away” :bigsmile:

Seems a bit unfriendly for our female members. We have at least 3, maybe more.

Do I have to turn in my brotherhood card…? :~

Who am I to judge... I still have mobo and PSU from a 9 year old computer. Need to clean out that drawer...

Hey, those old parts are for practicing soldering!

They might start releasing movies on Betamax again, right?

LOL…i’ve got a set of rake tines out in the garage,doesn’t everybody?..I’m serious.
will get around to putting new wood on them eventualy. :smiley:

I like keeping boxes/packaging of nice products. Am I strange? My wife thinks so. lol

I feel like I’m out of step here but I am much more concerned with cleaning/tidying than my wife,who has much better things to do with her time and who throws nothing away but rather puts everything with which she is unfamiliar into various plastic boxes, which are then produced at a later date for the keep?/toss? question.It’s actually not a bad system and forces me (I horde stuff like a squirrel with it’s nuts) to think what I really need to keep. Sorry about this guys!

That sounds like a good system, KenCam! I think where we go wrong is not realising something was useful to the other and just assuming it’s rubbish/junk and can be thrown away.

i always keep all my amazon boxes in the attic

because im cheap and dont want to pay for packing when i sell stuff

I keep boxes for the things I think I might sell later.

I feel this belongs here... please forgive me if I err...


I think "My Stuff and Your Crap" is a fairly universal attitude - male or female.