***Giveaway ended*** modded Camo Mini-MagLite

Wow truly a unique flash-light ! Have you tried using the high CRI nichia 219 instead ? This would be awesome.

I’m in but I think I’m a douche sometime. :smiley:

I am in,thanks

I think Scotland is a douche-free zone, so I’m in. Thanks for the very kind offer.

I’m in, thanks BIGWOOD!

Thanx for the giveaway! Great work. Count me in to!

Thanks and count me in.

I'll give it a go ...IN

Count me in :D

On the off chance I don't win, how much do they sell for? I like the camo look.

You can put a p60 pill in a mini mag? This I really, really want to see. I’m in (for science, of course)

Please count me in :slight_smile: . Thanks


(Edit - September 17, 2013)

Quite a few of you have reached out to me about purchasing these torches. While I appreciate you taking an interest in my little torches, I like to say that I am only selling these flashlights locally to avoid the horrendous shipping costs and because I'm just plain lazy.

I'm sure there are many BLF'rs here that would or can make them for you. So for those modders that are willing to make one of these for our fellow BLF'rs, please feel free to post a reply in this thread.



Great! I’m in

Wow, this looks great. I'm in :)

Thanx for the giveaway!!! Count me in to! :bigsmile:

awesome look :slight_smile:

Count me in. thanks

LOOK MA. My First Post. Would love one of these nice pieces of work.

Me me me ! I’m in :smiley:

Dont have a Maglite yet, camo Maglite even better !

Count me in :bigsmile:

And thank you :slight_smile:

Please count me in and thanks!