Need Smallest and Most Powerful 1xAAA Light

Garry, isn’t it the same thing? As a flashaholic, want is need. :wink:

djozz, I have a few of the MBI HF lights that run direct drive on a custom made 10250 Nuke cells that can do over 3A for a short time. The lights come with 10440 tubes as well to allow longer run times. The Efest 10440 is THE best in that format that I have found. It mirrors the Nuke in it’s initial output, and of course will run longer. But in actual run time tests with my new lightbox, heat is the limiting factor…the small light doesn’t have mass to remove the heat from the emitter…even in a fully copper light with a copper star turned down to 10mm. I was as surprised as you, thought the initial output at least would be way up there, but it’s not.

Perhaps in a different light, with a different set up, direct drive on the 10440 would deliver more. I might just take a bigger lights head off, run it on the 10440 in the lightbox and see what happens. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the buzz, got a little buzz-happy there. Can’t even blame it on the coffee, haven’t had any today…oo ooo that’s a good excuse! Need coffeee Nowww! lol

will the a3t handle a 10440? might invest if so.

Yup Olight A3T will handle a 10440 just fine. Output is impressive and it still retains the low mode!

Came for the raves about favorite AAA lights.
Stayed for the amusement. :smiley: :smiley: If your buzzer ever breaks again I’ll get you an upgrade.

Maratec AAA

Another vote for the Olight i3s. With a 10440 its a impressive little light.

Are you in the us? There is a seller on here.
Might ship internationally too.

~ edit ~
Looks like your in Atlanta, Ga. BLF name: RMM He has a thread on new products.

Efest 10440 are the best. Be sure to charge at 250mA or less otherwise you may progressively reduce your 10440’s capacity.
Suitable chargers: XTAR XP1, $1.50 usb tp4056 CC/CV board (current mod), Adafruit Micro Lipo, LipoNano

Good thread, condenses info, and is making my mind up on what to get.

I’ve been “thinking” about something a step up and/or smaller than a SK68 clone for months, and most recently caved and bought two more SK68 clones instead of making up my mind.

Olight i3S looks the best, G2, nothing I’ve seen negative, and the price difference isn’t a deluxe cheeseburger apart.

Thrunite Ti2 looks good, G2, some issues, no lo low mode.
Thrunite Ti cheaper option.
Tank007 E09 cheapest good option.

i bought one of these to the cnqualitygoods light mentioned earlier but for $10 cheaper. xp-e instead of xp-g2…but so far i love it. it’s small enough that I carry it every day as a back-up light (and 90% of the time it’s the first one i go for). it’s cheap and not the best emitter, but at least it doesn’t have sos or strobe.

there is also another version of the cnc light with a nw emitter…looks nice i may try this one out

First link was 404, did you mean this light?

UltraFire UF-T1 Cree XP-E R5 80lm 2-Mode White Light Mini Flashlight - Silver (1 x AAA)
SKU: 168331 Price: 20.30

I just bought the Olight i3s for less, made an offer to what appears to be a newer vendor on ebay, $19 shipped.

Just picked up the Olight i3S EOS and am waiting on my Efest 10440s to come in the mail. What kind of lumen bump is expected from this combo?

im suprised no one has mentioned a thrunite Ti2… its a rocket on a 10440 :slight_smile:

nice and bright on an eneloop as well (80 lumens)

I3s is a nice light though :wink:

Message 31, its an OK option, I don’t think the 10440 is speced for use with it, but reports its works but maybe hot?

I think the Olight i3S is better light, construction, UI, starts on low, off/on twist to hi, one more to moonlight, quick cycle again for strobe. I just took mine for its first walk, and it seems very practical, but does feel SMALL in my hands, some kind of wrist lanyard is going on mine. Easy one hand mode switching, and nice mix of slight flood with central spot. Throw did not amaze me, but twenty or thirty feet away it was plenty of light.

lol. That would be true, but I’m hunting for a kickin’ AAA for my boss who just asked me if I could score one. Told him I’d look into it. He’s getting a couple of other lights from me too.

indoors my Thrunit Ti runs on Enepool. when i go outside (and meet peeps) i put in unprotected 10440.


1xAAA isn’t going to be scary bright, surprisingly bright for its size about the best it gets. All of the lights mentioned have good output on an Eneloop, but the moment the smallest size isn’t the most critical factor there are better much higher output options in 1xAA lights like the SC52 or the cheap SK68 clones especially on a 16500.

A little google shows most “work” with a 10440, but get hot within a minute or so, so you exchange hi or a short term turbo mode. I am going to pick up a 10440 to play with, but don’t think it would be EDC that way.

He understands that, but is a stickler for small size.

Thanks, all, for the good choices.

So, I have too admit, I was a little disappointed in the output of the Olight i3S EOS after hearing all the raves about it……………UNTIL I put a Efest 10440 into it and ZOOOOOM! This thing is sick!!! Quite possible quadruple the output.

Zoom, zoom.


You’re welcome. :wink: