WB Crazy Promotions are back-50% off.

Fasten your seatbelts….server crash 5 minutes ahead…

i actually dont think i need anything this sale…

but that doesnt mean im not going to try to get a few things!!!

site frozen/down hahaaha.

edit: everything i wanted is sold out

whats the point in even trying if they dont have a server that can handle the traffic. morons.

have three of the items in my cart at the discounted price and paypal isnt loading. hoping since they are in the cart at the discount that when paypal loads its still the same price :smiley:


can’t even get the damn page to load for what I want , fekin useless |( , here’s hoping fasttech do a bit better :weary:

believe it or not the crelant sd85 actually was added to my cart some how

i went to the next page now the whole site says service unavailable

Hah! Site froze down and when loaded, tells me that 3400mah Pannys sold out. Stupid freeze!

I can’t even pay them… got them but the site frozen… oh well… save my money :stuck_out_tongue:

The site crashed when I wanted to choose the shipping method :bigsmile:

I don’t need a new light, so everything is cool. :face_with_monocle:

I got sold out on the two things I tried......

LOL. Technically this was worst of all sales what I’ve ever seen.

What a big con and a waste of my time everything is Sold out just a ploy to get you on there site……Bad Show Wallbuy should be called NOBUY

Was able to get the keeppower 16340 and the marsfire charger.




well, a 1 item/person would have made them more profit.
I think someone had put 10 batteries/10 lights etc in his basket, then jut hit the pay putton :smiley:
i am also crashed out

I got to PayPal but decided I’m good for now. I need to upgrade what I’ve got.

I got through, but I couldn’t load paypal in the end.
I shouldn’t have used the ipad, I admit.

But all other items were immediately sold out, I was able to get a uft20 in my cart but couldn’t pay it until it said cart empty….at this time all other things I had an eye on were sold out…crelant was still available but I didn’t want one…

Merry Christmas

Got an item into basket, site frozen, and suddenly cart was empty. Awesome. :frowning: