My Yezl Y3 Has Arrived!

Tom’s is modified, I wish it did 300k with a dedome alone

Post #86 has details of the mod. I've gone to 4.2A or so on HD2010's and T08's and with a full de-dome mod, over 200 kcd can be done. For the Y3, it's a bigger reflector and this mod I did is even higher amps. Also, de-doming should double the throw, so 270-285 kcd I would expect from this light mod if de-domed.

I ordered some precision resistors from Fasttech. I think they’re R200s…but they are so small. Like sooooo smallll. Did I order the right thing? I’m not a giant or anything, but the chances of me bring a component that is this size with another component this size is, well, small.

My Yezl Y3 Has arrived, I put in my King Kong 4500 and took it out, too bad I am among houses and street lights though.

I live in the city and can’t tell much about throw, but my impression is that the throw is substantially better than my XIN TD, I look forward to testing this in a more remote area.

Something that I could see, is that it is a nice light and feels like quality, the low and medium are great, and I love that side switch, and the fact that the brightness mode is guaranteed.

I sure wish that smooth tail switch was on my XIN, and the side switch also.

Get out in a better setting and you’ll see just how much further it throws than you can now. My cousin’s ranch is so dark you can see Milky Way configurations. In a setting like that, you’ll appreciate it much, much more. Cities generally suck for throwers.

There was one tiny sliver of darkness between two distant trees where I got the firm impression that I was going to love the throw as vastly superior to my XIN, which is my current thrower.

I’m really glad that you posted the thread on it, and that it was at Wallbuys.

Now I need to spend another $15.00 at Wallbuys this month.

4 Cs fit, but the light goes into low voltage warning and just blinks every second or two.

So there’s no apparent difference between type a and type c? Have I missed a detail?

Tom E, could you comment further about the heat sinking? I have my HD2010 running 5-6 amps DD and it gets warm after about two minutes. This and the driver mod-ability are the only things holding me back.

Don't have a type C, but believe it's the same driver. I'm not really too interested in the type C - no 8-12v high amp drivers with e-switch support.

Well The HD2010 has good heat sinking, but the uni-body type design of the Y3 is probably superior, plus lots of heat sinking in the most critical area.

I didn’t realize that the center section had a unibody design. Every pic I’ve seen had the centering insulator installed…

Speaking of pics, where are the beamshots people? J)

Also joining the fun here.
Ordered on Aprill 11, it finally shows “Collecting Products Now”. :slight_smile:

You think those are small, you should see 0402’s…. :bigsmile:
I guess when you’re not used to this stuff, they do look pretty small….

Yes - no removable pill. The pill housing section is the center piece of the body -- tube below, screw on head above. What I like is where the center piece section screws into the head assembly, there massive aluminum there with fins, so great location, and can use thermal grease on that fitting if you like.

Sorry, got no beam shots... It's a thrower though.

20mm or 16mm MCPCB? I couldn’t seem to find an answer here.

Considering a Convoy L2 is very difficult to come by, this looks like a good host to mod with an MT-G2 and do some driver tweaks to up the amps slightly from the default 2.5A.

Comes stock with a 20mm star - no filing required, like a HD2010.

Got mine today. Pretty impressed with the build although rear switch could be better. Some one sad it is much more throwy than the T08 but i reckon they are pretty close (both unmodded). I am using an 18650 in the y3. Would it be different on a 26650 or are they just for longer run times?

Probably just longer run times in un-modded form.

A stock Yezl Y3 easily out-throws a stock ZY-T08, details in post #77 on the Y3. The Y3 comes with a 18650 adapter now, so performs the same on an 18650 or 26650. A stock T08 does about 35-40 kcd, while the stock Y3 does 62 kcd, in my testing. The cell quality will make a difference, though maybe not significant in this light. Won't matter if 26650 or 18650, just the higher capacity, the longer runtime.

I am about to order this light, but for some reason or another the coupon codes I have tried (LEDWALLBUYS14, wallbuysfantasy, wallbuysmagic) do not seem to work with it.

Does anyone have a valid code that works with this light?

WALLBUYSFANTASY was the last one I used when I ordered 2 Y3's and yes, seems to no longer work. Can't find any others currently active. They may have stopped the promotion, or it's temporarily unavailable. Generally, all these dealers seems to slowly drop the value of their deals - WB did this with the instant kills for example.

I emailed Cherry just now requesting a new discount code for BLF - hopefully she can deliver. The Y3 is still well worth it at $31.65 though, but a 5% or 10% discount would still be nice...