EDCGEAR carabiner tools, mini prybars, keyring gadgets, etc.

I’ve got the pocket widgy bar and the micro widgy bar, great for saving your knife tips from prying.

Something else I didn’t realise I needed until you posted. :bigsmile:
Not the orange and black ones, they might scare the little kittens away before I get my furry key ring.

The EDC gear Caribiner arrived today and it is built along the heavy is stronger line of thought. Just a couple of areas of concern, the weak spots are on the hook part of the carabiner and the spring gate. The hook would be better if it was more rounded instead of V shaped because they thought that another wrench size would be a good idea, the valley of the V looks like a stress crack waiting to happen. :open_mouth: The gate spring it also crudely made of by pressing the piece out of flat materiel and leaving it as square section and roughly finished. :frowning:
The carabiner has been given a good buffing on the two flat faces and a quick buffing round the edges with no attempt to clean anywhere afterwards. :frowning:
All of this I feel is totally acceptable on a carabiner costing about £4.60 delivered. It’s a big lump of stainless steel. :bigsmile:
I wouldn’t want to risk my life on it but I’m still tempted to get another and see what I can use the 4X mechanical advantage for with a length of 550 paracord. H)

Oooh the EMT shears look nice. Any word on the quality? I’ve been trying to build a couple good first aid kits.

Oh no! :~ Maybe with some TLC it will be a nice lump of steel? :smiley: Was the pocket hanger better finished, do you think? Thanks for sharing.

Definitely the pocket hanger was better finished.
The carabiner just needs introducing to some Solvol Autosol, a couple of cotton buds and a soft cloth. It’s just gote some of the polishing compound in some of the harder to get at places. :open_mouth:
As I said at this price it’s a nice slab of Stainless Steel with useful shapes. :slight_smile:

I’ll post here when mine arrive, they look like they are strong and the dimensions, 7.2 in x 3.7 in x 0.39 in and the weight 2.47 oz combined with the shape with the ridges pressed in should make for a strong pair of scissors - it all depends on how well the handles are attached I suppose.

Who says I’ll buy anything that is bright and shiny?
Couldn’t resist these shiny colourful things.

“Detachable 6mm diameter Multi Color Screw” Dimensions: 3.90 in x 0.43 in x 0.43 in (9.9 cm x 1.1 cm x 1.1 cm)
Hmm, detachable 6mm screw, 99mmx11mmx11mm I’m thinking lanyard beads and washers, maybe 18 for £2.50.

Banggood have a mini pry but it’s not the one I want. ;_; The ruler markings could be useful though. £2.50, and 55g.

Oh, don’t forget there is a –10% coupon for industrial products such as this tool:
Coupon: dealok
Expires: 2014-05-23

Sweet, thanks Steve.

The EMT Shears have arrived and they are pretty much full size scissors with a two fingers one thumb grip.

I thought that they were horribly scratchy at first but then realised that one edge of the scissors has tiny serrations on it.

The grips are well attached and show no signs of looseness. The blade sections have a “safety” tip, no sharp points which could increase any injury that you were dealing with.

Quality, they aren’t up to Fiskars quality but for £3.50 they’re O.K. Much better for one drop of Sentry Tuff-Glide on the pivot.
They deal with “Blue Line” dressing fine and will cross cut 550 Paracord as well as angle cut for melting the end into a point.

Talking of Paracord the Pretty Shineys arrived as well -

Twelve beads harvested to go into the 550 Paracord bits box for £2.34.

Had to buy one of these as well while I was checking prices.

I’m sure it will clutter up my EDC bag come in very handy.

Thanks for the heads up, Steve. So in your opinion those shears are worth putting into a first aid kit?

The multi-wrench looks cool but I’d worry that the steel might be too soft for anything but a one-time emergency use. I’m interested to know if it would stand up to regular EDC use working with nuts and bolts.

Yes, they would do the job, they don’t feel as solid as some scissors and the pivot is a rivet type but looks able to be hammer tightened down the line if it gets loose, plenty strong enough for EMT use and maybe even those kitten tails. :wink:
The multi wrench won’t be put to hard use, if at all, it looks like the metal is too thin but you never know.

I bought the orange shears from DX. Thanks again Steve!

Does it say anything about where the shears were made or autoclaving?

I am still hoping for that mini-pry bar as seen earlier in this thread…

I came across some more things:

I’ve seen this before by HX Outdoor, but it had a camo painting. This is plain:

A paracord line thrower?

There is even a can-opener:

I went for the khaki pair.
You shouldn’t have long to wait Racer, 13 days to the U.K. is good time.
The shears say nothing about autoclaving, the plastic should be up to it. Arrived in a plastic bag (inside the packaging) with no markings. The only other marks are “stainless” and “China” stamped into one of the blades.
You can’t tempt me with any more of the goodies, maybe the Paracord thrower next month. The can opener is a copy of the P38 and P51 can openers issued to U.S. troops.

Oh hell I’ve just hit the buy button on that 550 paracord thrower! :wink:

My sister has two big boxes of those USA-made P38 and P51 can openers. Her house is like an EDC dream store, and I always take (and leave) a bag of swag whenever I visit, and never forget to grab a couple extra can openers and such.

You used to be able to get 5 for £1 at the Army Surplus stores but now they’ve gone way up in price £2 for a new BCB branded pressing or £3 with stupid postal charges for genuine ones, place on ebay is quite good you get a P38 and a P51 for £1.94 but the postage is £7.79. :open_mouth:
I’m glad I got a few when I was doing the bike rallies.

When the apocalypse comes, I’ll probably die of hunger trying to remember how to use those can openers lol.

There is always this method:


Haha nice.