weekly promotion convoy S2+ (over)

generally two or three weeks via China post air mail

extra $1.4

Yes, Yes, Yes 8*7135 and T6-4C please!

Ooh, also a $30 Xintd X3 host. Nice.

I like M1 and M2 but they are about double the price…

I think there is a deal over at BG, ~31$ together with emitter, driver and all…

Can I pay with paypal?


Simon, just placed the order for S2+ black, xml2 u2 1A, 8*7135.
please adjust the price.

Is this the convoy that had battery fit issues? I remember one of these were too small for the higher capacity batteries.

I had bought several of these Convoy S2+. They fit longer protected batteries fine.

Confused about the time. GMT-8 is like PST. So the sale is on in like 4 hours? Or is it 9:00PM, which would be 16 hours from now?

I’m not in, too much spending in one month. But thank you Simon for the offer, this is a good deal.

I would buy a few, but that 48% off is kinda misleading to me. If you make it 48% off the current price of $14.92 which = $7.76! At that price i might buy 2 or three!

It was the S6!

and S5... doesn`t like protected ones...

Don’t know what others think but I think that you often make completely unrealistic offers, $7.76 :open_mouth: really, don’t tell me, that includes priority shipping with tracking number and insurance right? You would probably ask $70 for them if you made this flashlights…
$11.09 is excellent price, take it or leave it that is the deal, no room for petty offers…

Thanks. This is great deal.

I think I read somewhere that S2+ have a little bit smaller reflector than a S2, is that correct?

I have S2 and trying to find any reason to don’t spend more money on flashlights. lol

have adjusted

protected and unprotected all can be used on this flashlight

Simon, I thought it was to start at 9 GMT-8 time? There is still 3.25 hours to go Pacific Daylight Time.
Has it started?