What you got today

All BC's come with the tank007 driver. They draw 2A (!) from aaa, so lithiums are unnecessary.

Cheers, agenthex, I never knew that. I don't recall seeing the Tank lettering on the driver of the last BC's I had through my hands. Perhaps I missed it. I've never had one myself. I only get them for others and give them a quick, check, clean and lube before passing them on.

BTW I just noticed that the Tank E07, which I thought always had an Osram emitter, shows on Tank's site as now having a Cree Q5.

Well, at least all mine have the lettering. They're made by the same people, so not too much a surprise.

Frankly I think the draw is too high. You essentially need LSD nihm's to use this. Nice tint, though.

Got my 14500 cells today for my Xeno E03. Holy cow that light is WAY brighter on 14500 vs AA. But they came in at 3.85V so they need a charge.

I had ordered the Microtech Scarab knockoff some time ago from Manafont since they are $85+ to purchase locally. My buddy really liked it and asked me to order him the Combat Troodon, well it arrived today and man am I jealous. This is a much better knockoff than the Scarab. It came with a much better holster a better box with a real Microtech catalog and Microtech warrentee card. The blade is much sharper and has no defects and the spring action is also better right out of the box, I had to work on my action and sharpen my blade to get it as good as his also the glass breaker is much better and the screws that hold it together are allens not some specialty screw. I highly recommend this knife to anyone looking for one.

My dell eneloop pack showed up yesterday afternoon. The batteries came in a plastic bag in a cardboard box... environmentally friendly, maybe, but I miss the reusable plastic clamshells of the original eneloop packaging.

Could not resist getting two more knives . I must say that fit and finish on these are great and the reviews are spot on . Wow .

I got the Lumapower Trust 2 from KLowD9x. Swapped out the frosted "flood" lens with a clear one and works pretty good with custom polished reflector. :D Thanks!

K-608. The clip isn't exactly what I'd call great and the liner could be a bit beefier, but other than that, I'm pleasantly surprised. Looks aside (and I actually do like the way it looks), it's an interesting design and pretty neat if you have large hands like me or regularly need to use the knife while wearing gloves. I even like the compression lock, which I always felt was sort of a gimmick and which I still dislike on the K-607.

I got another EDI-T P4, man I love these lights this is my second one I had a hard time locating them after DX stopped selling them.

Where did you find it?

Been looking at those for a while now. Thanks for the short review. got one ordered.

I got a SSC P7 dropin from the DX U.S. warehouse. Ordered 8-2 and received 8-6. Very nice, if only the selection and website were better. Real tracking also.

What I got today was some new skills. Special thanks to Jacktheclipper and a youtube kid named Jonesyware.

3 orders. Two from Manafont and one from Tmart. Three 14500's and two 10400's, 1 Sipik SK68 and 1 Sipik SK78. Killed the driver on the SK68 with a 14500. Took the pill out of the SK78 and put it in the SK68. I also put the 14500's away :)

I don't like these zoomies anyway...what was I thinking :) I'll use the SK78 for parts (lens) and probably give away the SK68.

Very cool. I think I'll have to look into that when I have some free time. :)

I got some emitters from Shiningbeam today, they are labeled 1D on the main page but 1A when you click on them. I put together a 3.5 amp drop in with one of these new emitters today and they are the brightest emitters I have ever seen. They are a 1A tint but these are much brighter than any 1A I have seen before. I am not sure what these are but I suspect they might be U2s.


Nothing! Grrr... Over three weeks since I ordered from DX. I know I should be used it to by now but it still sucks when they say 7-10 days and it takes a month or more.

got my 2nd srm763 from mf still the same great quality.

got 2 mario watches for the kids

and a pr of tf flame 14500.

waiting for the microtech combat troodon . 2 weeks to go

(borrowed old's pic)

It would not work at first but I unscrewed the pill and wiggled a few things and all is good. Seemed to have a problem with the switch.

I found a small silver of white plastic that was stopping contact with the spring and switch. Works perfectly now