Under $10, 1x AA/ AAA/ 10440/ 14500 flashlight reference

Folks, thanks, everyone reposts the pencil-capacitor trick.
That’s not what I want. I know about that.

I know the capacitor pencil trick.
The capacitor pencil makes it “first mode every time”
That’s nice if it’s what you want.

It’s not what I want. I don’t want “first mode every time”

Mode memory: Remember the last mode — stay at whatever mode was used last time.

Thank you.

Got this in very recently:

BEWARE! Seller will possibly send you CRAP in stead of the initial model…

And it’s not bad at all!
It performs like an MXDL, which is okay.
Only a hint of purple, and only $1.83 shipped. :slight_smile:

One mode Hank, so maybe it’s just the brightness you need? :slight_smile:

Jerommel, does it look moddable? I don’t use 1-mode much — usually I want to start at low (it’s never low enough), with brighter as an option.

(Don’t have a driver for that yet — looking for one at 350ma, 3v, so I can swap in PC Rebel emitters— which I find scary bright for my purposes)

argh, what’s this? http://smile.amazon.com/Icon-Rouge-Flashlight-Green/dp/B001RTCVTG/ref=sr_1_12?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1405456608&sr=1-12&keywords=aa+flashlight

It’s called either “Rouge” or “Rogue” — 2 levels, AA. Hmmmm ….

Has anyone seen host/kit offerings for AA/AAA size?
The only ones I’ve seen are upwards of $10 so not mentioning those here.

WarHawkAVG mentioned a 15mm driver for the SK68 — did that ever appear?

Thanks Jerommel for pointing out the #3 with a solid pill from

I got one and it has a nice flat solid mount for the emitter and smooth zoom.

(another #3 bought elsewhere has a tiny little rim for the emitter to sit on and a zoom so loose it’s useless)

The #4s also take a 15mm driver — it seems to be just press fit into place.

One more. It Stainless Steel seems looks good. 14500 only. CODE:BLF US$7.59:

Hi WarHawk, Your #6 have a hole in the pill under emitter?

BEWARE! Seller will possibly send you CRAP in stead of the initial model…

About http://www.ebay.com/itm/390796584794?var=660220903373&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&\_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

It’s built like all ‘police 3Watt’: Main tube with the business pressed in from the front, so no head part, only main tube + tailcap.
But there must be a better driver in there, and a better LED (later generation?) than in most of them.
I had it in France last week(s) for the kids that were along with us, and it’s really good and definitely brighter than an MXDL.
We were all surprised by its performance.
Just ordered 3 more…

$8 for a decent looking polished SS. Don't know anything about the vendor.

Sorry to have to post about this cheapy again:


…and he sent me crappy ones…
Different model and crappy light…
What a seller… No brains, just greed?
I don’t know, but i opened a case for a refund.
Such a shame how an initially fine offer turns out to suck….
What are those sellers (not) thinking… :frowning:

^Oh well. You win some, you lose some. I agree about lightvendor. I ordered a couple and was sent one and then some other "police" light. I too opened a case.

Well, i bought 3 for a friend’s 3 kids, as i kinda promised to… :frowning:

Things like this are killing this hobby for me…

What is #15?

SK58, Most are Osram, but also some available with Cree.

Page 3 added! Together when a new poll underneath.

Feel free to submit your findings here. I will get it updated when I am free.

Yes it does…I left it stock for the kiddo’s to play with

I did do the pencil memory mode mod on it though

I may get this as a curiosity.
Are there any other right-angle lights or headlamps worth buying in this category?

AA anglelight for 9.44$
Its kind of a clone of the fenix mc11 anglelight

Refrain from posting affiliated link(s) without specifying it. Please providing an non-affiliated link for people to choose from as well. Thank you.


The Green Dwarf!! I have many from DX and EB. I recommend it.