Guess the place (the game)

The same horse? :bigsmile:

don't ask.

Ok. We'll play while you sleep.. Fastest one can post now.

You can signal us when you wake up => your turn after solving the "whatever happens to be ongoing" then.

You have to give the city in which this is AND give the one and only good reason for this monument to be here.

Colmar,France Colmar, the city of Bartholdiā€™s birth, was dedicated on July 4, 2004, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his death.

To complete your answer: What does Bartholdi has to do with the statue of liberty? :smiley:

He was the the artist for the one in New York

mkett39 wins. :slight_smile:

Anyone can post, I do not have anything at moment. Just browsing when looked at this post.

ok then I will post an easy one:

Thatā€™s the Eye of the Sahara AKA Richat Structure

Guelb er RichĆ¢t, Mauritania.

:slight_smile: Correct

This one might be harder

Hint: Itā€™s less than 50Km away to my previous picture!

ChĆ¢teau du Haut-Koenigsbourg in France

Either you are really good or you used a reverse image search engine! :slight_smile:
Your turn.

Lhasa, Tibeth?

Nope, Missed it by about 4000 miles

Answer in 52 minutesā€¦