The Daily Riddle Thread


Throw away the outside and cook the inside, then eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it?

sweet corn


Eskimos are excellent hunters, but they never hunt penguins. Why not?

For the same reason that Polar Bears don’t…………… :wink:

Here’s are a quick one -

I can jump higher than any skyscraper. How can this be?

Skyscrapers can’t jump. :wink:


Here’s one of my favorites because although we use it as the expression for an unsolvable question it is actually very easily solved. (Hint: Think laterally.)

What came first the chicken or the egg?

What is the answer?

Did you know that in California you can’t take a picture of a man with a wooden leg? Why not?

Because you need to use a camera!

Hehe, yup!

If you want a scientifically accurate answer… here is it:

The egg came first, laid by a bird that was not a chicken.

because it's in a museum and they have guards

The egg.

Dinosaurs laid eggs. ;)

The rooster ...

There are two planes. One is going from New York to London at a speed of 600 MPH. The other is traveling from London to New York at a speed of 500 MPH.

When the planes meet which one will be closer to London?

That's a tricky one.

When the planes meet, they will be at the same place, so they will both be the same distance to London.

EDIT: I hope the planes are represented by sprites, and we only have a sprite collision to deal with. :evil: