A bunch of posts just disappeared.

That’s funny :stuck_out_tongue: since most people that live in Ca came from elsewhere but I’m a hermit anyway so I’m a poor one to paint kettles.

I'm -a Colorado native and understand why many people feel that way. It's not that Californian's are disliked, it's that Colorado lost it's small town feel with the massive influx of people. I lived in California for several years and when I moved back to Colorado, I felt like I was in a strange land.

I big part of my decision to relocate to South Carolina was because of that.

Rufus… buddy… you know I love ya, right?

I didn’t mean to disparage people from California or CPF. I’m sure there are great people residing, so to speak, in each. I only meant that DBSAR’s thread would have been laughed off in the older version of BLF where fun was almost as important as the flashlights. And given what ImA4Wheelr, O-L, Dangerous, and WarHawk posted, I know that spark still lingers a little.

And, Bort, my friend, I’ve seen you be very clever and entertaining while I lurk in the shadows in threads all up and down this forum.

Anyway, I guess I was just feeling nostalgic. At the end of the day, I guess no matter what, we’ll always have Paris.

Hilton? :X

would you actually want her? :smiley:

Are you and cone sharing?

i’ll take that as a yes

Theres so many posts missing the fence has fallen over. Anyone know a good fencer that can replace posts?

i know someone who did the opposite, eliminating posts at an alarming rate.


It does not look very healthy, its cracked, split, weathered and has many knots. In addition its not very straight and all vertical surfaces are curved which does not facilitate secure attachment of boards.

Bort seems to be in a very sarcastic mood today

Just keep a sharp eye on the post guys. It may just disappear as well. I'll take the night shift.

Just adding another post :wink:

Cheers David

hehe…BLF post :slight_smile:

I'm not sure how many more I can watch. I only have two eyes. Anyone care to help?

I can help you explore that question, try this...

Thats a lot of posts. I dont know if I trust myself with that many. Does anyone know where the mailman is. Apparently hes good with the post though he does lose them to.

I’ll be honest that this was the first time I noticed any over-moderation here.

I'm not sure it was over-moderation, the idea of BLF is that it should be no problem if watched at by the whole family. There were a few members who got carried away with cheeky posts about blonde girls and such which IMO was not that big a deal at first but it kept going on, on the edge of rude I think, and certainly unpolite towards DBSAR who had an honest and nice flashlight related question in the OP.