Eagle eye F30 XML-U2 super bright three hard anodized portable floodlight glare flashlight

Someone post a pic please

The "HOT" sign is very cool...

keengeorge. Thank you.

Any info about the driver?

Very good question, I guess it will be the standard eagle eye driver. Pictures show 4 modes, but on the other side the pictures show also generation one XML…

It might be glued? A XML2 would definitely be better.

EagleEye, please make your lights deserving of the “HOT” warning on max setting with high A! Love the X6, but not the output and lack of heat! 4modes is much much better than the standard 3 modes advertised as “5” with 2 blinkies.

Will this work for a quad host?

Nice. I’m still waiting for the new F35 to be released.

Not sure about a quad but I do know that a 20mm triple does barely fit. This has an integrated 16mm shelf so I would guess that some mass would need to be added and the tight squeeze will come in when you try and install the optics+lens+o-ring.

The new F35 will be released shortly ,I will update on the website,Thanks!

good light!

Thanks. I’ll hold up my order at banggood until it’s released.

Thank you ,It will be released soon.

Looks like the sign for “a steaming pile…”! :smiley:

I have a good news to tell you ,the new F35 will be released at the end of this Month ,now we are making samples now ,thanks for your attention,

It also looks much better than the convoy s8 when you see the F30 and S8 side by side in person. The F30 is more compact and has a better appearance. The F30 has a nice matte haiii anodizing and a coated glass lense. The s8 looks cheap next to the F30.

I have both the S8 and the F30. I use the F30 daily (600+ hours so far).

The diffs are as follows:

F30 has better HAIII ano

F30 has AR lens

F30 has 4 mode driver with hidden blinky (very useful to me)

F30 has integrated shelf

S8 will eat any protected battery you have (F30 battery tube gets tight with protected cells)

S8 still has pill (for now)

The “SKY” is the limit!!! lol!

Welcome Sky!